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§ 153A-93. Retirement benefits. <br /> (e) The board Of~ommiesioners may provide for enrolling county officers and <br />employees in the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System, the <br />Law-Enforcement Officers' Benefit and Rebel Fund, the Firemen's PenSion <br />Fund, or a retirement plan certified to be actuarially sound by a qualified <br />actuary as defined in subsection (c) of this section and may make payments into <br />such a retirement system or plan on behalf of its employees. <br /> (b) No county may make payments into a retirement system Or plan estab- <br />lished or authorized by a local act unless the system or plan is certified to be <br />actuarially Sound by a qualified actuary as defined in subsection (c) of t~ais <br />section. <br /> (e) A qualified actuary mea~ a member of the American Academy of <br />Aictuarles or an individual certifi ~d as qualified by the Commissioner of Insur- <br />ance. <br />(d) A ceuaty:~-~.~h]i.a. P,i'Svidlhk heMth in~:U't:a~e[~der G.S, 153A-S2(d) may <br />p~vjd~!l~a!th induing, hoe' for all Or t~t/y ciasa 6f fo~'rher officers and employees <br />'Of the c0i~nty ~,,ho a~ r'~cei.ving benefits unaer s~bse;ti0n. (a) of this section. <br />~uch health insurance rasXil~e paid ~h~i/:ely b~th~ csunt2; ~rfly by <br />and former Officer or e'm~lbyee. ~ d'/i~iiely by t~ £o~i('Stli~e/' or'/~mpl6yee <br />at ~he option of the county, O973, a: 822, S~ 1~' 1.981', c. 347; a~' 1.) ' · <br /> <br />mast added subsection (d). <br /> <br /> <br />