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i <br /> <br /> RESOI.UTION O1" APPRECIATIOM <br /> J. LF. WIS PA'I'TERSON <br /> <br /> WllEREAS, J. Lewis Patterson Js a life long resident of CM)arrus Cotmty, <br /> North Carolina; and <br /> <br /> WIIEREAS, Mr. ~atterson is the owner of farmland in Cabarrus County and <br /> has been a farmer all of his'working life; and dur:[llg all h~s career as a farmer <br /> i~ Cabarrus County, he has promoted good conservation of soil and water; and <br /> <br /> WItEREAS, siDce 1946 Mr. Patterson has hod a number of conserw~tion plans <br /> on bis farmlaod with the cooperation of tile Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation <br /> l)~strict and its predecessors; aed <br /> <br /> WIIEREAS, the Cabarrus Soil and Water ConservatSen I)~str[ct was organi.zed <br /> in 1963, and in 1964 Mr. Patterson was elected as a supervisor with said District <br /> and has served continuously since that t~me as supervisor and served as V~ce- <br /> Chairman of said District from ]96zt UntS1 1974 and as Chairman of said District <br /> from 1974 until 1982; and <br /> <br /> WllEREAS, during these 18 years Mr. Patterson gave dedicated service to <br /> Lbo DistrSct and its programs and regularly atteeded tbe meetings of said District <br /> and promoted and encouraged ~he coflsorvat~on o[ erie 8oil and water i-egourcos tbrollgb <br /> bis participatioe in many programs; and <br /> <br /> WIIEREAS, he has given bis time and his facilities to the Distr~ct i.n an <br /> effort to inform the people abotlt 8o51 ~llld water conserwltion; and <br /> <br /> WItEREAS, Fir. Patterson bas escouraged land owners to utilize cbc services <br /> of the District so they migbt improve their lands through conservati.on practices; <br /> and <br /> <br /> WIIEREAS, Fir. Patterson Ires been Cbairman of the Coddle Creek Watershed <br /> Landowners Committee and was instrumental in establishieg the Coddle-Coldwater- <br /> Dtltcb ~uffalo Creeks Watershed Program alid i~ tile formatSon of tho Cabarrus County <br /> Watershed Improvement Commiss:ion ie 1967; and <br /> <br /> WIIEREAS, Mr. Patterson h~ls retired as tho Chairmaa and supervisor o[ the <br /> Cabarrus Soil and Water ConservatSen District and tile ColamissJollerS o[ Cabarrus <br /> Collllty wish to express to bh'. Patterson their apprecietion for bis serv:ice, to <br /> recog[lize bis leadersbip, sad to express their confidence tbat he will (:entilltle <br /> to work to preserve ocr Batllral resources. <br /> <br /> NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVI~D by the Board of Commissiosers of Cabarrus <br /> County 5o its regular meetieg on February 21, 1983: <br /> <br /> 1. Tbat tile Board of Commiss:ioners of Cabarrus Cotlllty expresses to <br /> J. Lewis Patterson its gratitude for bis long and faitbful service as a supervisor, <br /> Cb~lirlll3n, slid Vice-Chairman of the Cabarrus Soil slid Water Conservatioll District <br /> illld [O[ his service il/ tile preservation of our haters[ resources; <br /> <br /> 2. That in the retirenleet of .]. Lewis Patterson, tile Cabarrtls Soil slid <br /> Water Conservatioll District has lost a valuable member and leader; and <br /> <br /> 3. Tbat the Board of Commissioners wishes blt. Patterson well in bis <br /> retirement and expresses its confidence tbat he will contSnue to serve tile <br /> ends of soil and water co~serva[ioll i~ Cabarrus County; and <br /> <br /> 4. That this resolution become a psrt of the minutes of the Board of <br /> Commissioners of Cabarrus County aed a certified copy be forwarded to J. 1,ewis <br /> PattersoB. <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> <br />