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;7 § 160A-268 CII {s0^. CITIES AND TOWNS ~ 160A-270 <br /> <br /> ~ 160A;268: Advertisen~ent for sealed bids. <br /> The sale of property by advertisement for sealed bids shall be done in the <br /> manner )rescribed b( Inly for the ptu'chase of property, except that in ~he case <br /> 0f real property ~he/dvcrtisement fro' }fids shal~ be be~n not less than 30 days <br /> before Lhe date fixed Ibr opening bids. ~1971. c. 698, s. 13 <br /> <br /> ~ 1~0A-2~9. Negotiated offer, advertisement, and uPse~ Bids. <br /> A OiLy may receive, solicit, or negotiate an oB~r to parchase proper~y and <br /> a~ver[ise it fro' upset bids. Wben an offer is made and the council proposes to <br /> aeeeP[ iL, [he cound[ shall require the o~ror to deposit five percen~ (6%) or his <br /> bid with the city clerk, and simll publish a notice o~tbe offer. The notice shall <br /> contain a general ortho properly, the amount aad terms of the <br /> and a no~Jce that within 10 days any person may raise the bid by no~ less than <br /> ten percent ~10%~ of [he first one thousand dollars (St000} and five percent <br /> (5%1 of the remafi~der. When a Bid is raised, the bidder shall deposit with the <br /> city clerk five percent (~%) ortho increased bid. ami the clerk shall readver[iso <br /> the offer at ~he increased bid. This procedure sliall be repeated until no further <br /> qualifying upset hids are received~ at which time the council may acceP~ the <br /> offer and sel/the proper~y ~o the highest bidder, The council may at any time <br /> r~ct any and all offers. (lgTl, c. 608, s. [; [gTg, 2nd Sess., c. 1247, s. <br /> <br /> ~ 180A-UT0, Public auction, <br /> (a) Real ProperLy. ~ When it is proposed to sell real properly a~ public <br /> auction, the council s~all first adopt a resolu[ioa authorizin~ the sale, <br /> describing the property to be sold, specifying the date, time, place, and terms <br /> of sale and Stating [hal any otter or bid mns~ be accepted and confirmed by the <br /> council before ~he sale Will be effective. The rose ution may, but need <br /> require the highest bidder aL the sale to make a bid deposit in a specified <br /> amount ~he council shall then publish a no[ice of the sale aL least once and <br /> not less than 30 days before the sale. The notice shall contain a general <br /> description of the land sufficient to identiCv iL, the terms or the sate, and a <br /> reference to the aathorizing resolution. Aaer bids have been received, the <br /> highest bid shall be reported [o the council, and the council shall accept or <br /> reject it within 30 days therea~er. If the bid is rejected, the council may <br /> readver[ise the property for sale. <br /> (b) Personal Property. ~ When i~ is proposed to sell personal properly <br /> public auction, the council shall at a regular council meeting adopt a reaolu[ion <br /> or order authorizing an appropriate city official to dispose o~ the proper~y <br /> pubJic ancLion. The resolution or order shall identify the property to be sold and <br /> set ou~ tim date, Lime, place, and tm'ms of the sale. The resolution or order (or <br /> a notice summarizing its contents) shall be published aL leas~ once and not less <br /> than 10 days before tbe date 0fthe auction, ilgT1, c. 898, s. 1; 1078, c. 428, s. <br /> 43.) <br /> <br /> CASF. NOTES <br /> <br /> Editor's Note,--The cases c'ited below were no .qall,, or disposal o£ land or any interest <br /> decided under £ormer similtlr provisions therein. Craven ~ounty v. First-Citizens Bank <br /> <br /> 349 ~~ <br /> & <br /> .~(~ · ~ ~ ~_~-,~ -~ ~.. <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />