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~.! '~'~' i-~ Post Office Box 707 <br /> ~ ;.(., ~._.~.~: ,..,~. CONCORD. NORTH CAROL!NA 2g~25 <br /> <br /> May 26, ~98~ <br /> <br />Board of Light and Water Commissioners <br />City of Concord <br />e/o Mr. Don Howell, Director <br />Post Office Box 567 <br />Concord, North Carolina 28025 <br /> <br />Dear Sirs: <br /> <br /> The Board of County Comnnissioners has a con~ittment to the <br />citizens of Caba~rus County to'provide the hest possible services <br />that are available, it was towards this goal that the Board of <br />County Commissioners, along with the Board of Light and Water <br />Conm~issioners and Cannon Mills, began the construction of a region- <br />al wastewater treatment facility. <br /> <br /> The ongoing program for the provision of these services in- <br />cludes searching~for all available sources of funding. To this <br />end, the Board i~ submitting an application to the Department of <br />Housing and Urban Davelopment (HUD) ~or funding to provide a sewer <br />collection system fo~ the Sidesto~/Shankletown conm~nity, an area <br />experiencing health problems due to the inadequate on-site treat- <br />ment of sewage. <br /> <br /> The Board of Co~nissioners,~in the best interest of the Sides- <br />to~.m/Shankteto~m community, therefore requests permission to tie <br />in this project to the existing facilities ~nd the the Concord <br />Light and Water Department accept and treat the waste. <br /> <br />Thank you for your continued cooperation. <br /> <br /> Sincerei~ yours, <br /> <br /> t~ph C. Bonds <br /> Chairman, Board o~ <br /> County Co~n~ss~one~s <br /> <br />RGB/pds <br /> <br /> <br />