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NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRARSPORTATION <br /> DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS <br /> SECONDARY ROAD ADBITION iNVESTh]~a, TION REPORT <br /> <br />County Cabarz-os Co. File No. Date 3-14-83 <br />Township No. m Div. File No. 10.931-C <br /> <br />Local Name Extension of SR 1752 Subdivision Name Sba_ dybrook <br />Length 550' Width 20' Type STBC C¢ rldi tion Good <br />Is this a subdivision street subject to the construction requirements for such <br />streets? Yes Recorded 10-4-37 Book ~__ Page 42 <br />Is this a subdivision street subject to participation paving? Yes <br />Number of homes having entrances into road None <br />Other uses having en[rances into road <br />Does right-of-way obtained meet preseni Division of Highways requirement? <br /> If not, why? Acquire 50'_~W <br /> Is petition (~71) attached? Yes <br /> Is the County Co,mdssioners' Ap~o~I--~SR-2) attached? Yes <br /> If not, why? <br /> Does the road meet present minimum Division of Highways construction requirements? <br /> Yes <br /> if not, state what is needed to place the road in an acceptable maintenance <br /> condition under Remarks and Recommendations. <br /> is a map attached indicating information for reference in locating road by the <br /> Planning Department? <br /> Cost to place in acceptable maintenance condition: Total Cost S 0.00 <br /> Grade, drain, stabilize S 0.00 , Drainage S O.OD.__-, Other $ 0,00 <br />Remarks and Recomllendations Recommended to be ~dded. Tht,~_~s n <br />qonneeting_O[oad ILIX~L~ v~ry b_i~h tragic volume. <br /> <br /> Reviewed and approved <br /> Reviewed and approved · DIVISION ENGINEER D~T--~G~NEER <br /> <br /> (Do not write in this sp~ce - <br /> For use of Secondary Roads Dept,) <br /> <br /> Petition Ho. <br /> <br /> (Do not write in this space <br /> For use of Planning Dept.) <br /> <br /> ,,.-. --. ..: ...... <br /> <br /> C.'.i ....... '] .................. .; .' 7,, ' .... <br /> <br /> <br />