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¢'ounO. l. is:in.,.~ ..I..,,/uvd.,';d. :t!td ..Isxes.~t~t.,~, <br /> <br /> ~ 105-291. Couny ~xs pe-vs~r ~ }:Xppoi ~ent --Persons_CCUlying <br /> the position of eonntv tax stmervis,~r,m July 1. !971. shall c,m[inne in office until <br /> <br /> regular meeting on the first X ondav ~l~i~!ti::1-nn l-ev~'x' <br /> thereafter, the board of c~unty oollHiiiSsloneFs of o:lch coHllty sh~dl :q~pomt a <br /> <br /> snperk' sm- from off ce ~ uring his term fo} gond cause after ~iving him notice <br /> in ~¥riti,g and an olff~ovtunity to ailpear ;md be heard at a public session of the <br /> <br /> commissioners shall a ~point a ~ nalified person to serve as county tax snpervis~r <br /> <br /> {b} Qualifications. ~ Persons holding the position of tax supervisor on July <br /> l, 1971, shall be deemed qualified to fill the t~osition. An~' other person se/ecte}t <br /> after July 1. 1973. shall be one whose expdrience in th~ ap ~raisal of real and <br /> <br /> whose t tmlificat~ons have been certified by the De mrtment of Revenue as <br /> provided in G.S. I08-289(d}. ' <br /> <br /> the ) mrd o{' cotlntv conmfissione,'s and he sh;,ll bt, all r~ved '~uch expenses as th~ <br /> <br />Attic e VI, Sec. 9. oi the North Carolina Con~titt,t ,m. the ,-,~fice of county tax <br />s,pervisor is hereby' t eelared m o m o "ee ~t ma~' he held concnrrend~: ~rith <br />any other appointive or elective of flee {other than m~mber of a board of ~otmty <br />commissionersL and. sub{eet to the following conditim~s, the hoard of cmmty <br /> <br /> {1} Cmmt~, officials ~'))o are performi,g the duties of tax s, ~ervisor on July' <br /> 1. 19~1, shall be deeme8 qualifie({ to }erform those dflties. <br /> (~) Any other official selected afte' Ju y 1 197:1 to perform the dt ties of <br /> <br /> personal pro mrtv is satisfactory to the hoard and whose { ualifications <br /> )m~'e been certified b~' the Dep:ircmez~t of Re~'e me as )rorJded in G.S. <br /> 105-289{( }. { !939. c. 3'!0. ss..t00, -U)I: 195:t. c. }7{~. ss. 1.2:1971. c. 806. <br /> s. I: 1973. c. 476. s. 192.1 <br /> <br /> ~ 108-~98. Oath nf office for tax supervis~r. ~ Before entering u ~on his <br /> <br />it w th t ~e e erk of the board or cotmtv commissioner< <br /> ................ ,,.i, <br />maintain the Constitution and laws'of the United States. :md the Constitutim~ <br />and laws of North Carnlina n,~t inconsistent therewi:h, and that [ will (a thfullv <br />discharge the duties of mr office as tax su ~wvis,w ,d. ............. Cout~ty. <br /> <br />influenced by personal m' ~,~I tical fi'iendshilJs or obiigatim~s so'hdp mn God. <br /> <br /> ISignanu'e} <br />~H);{9. c. 310. s..102: !971. c. Xf,{. s. 1.~ <br /> <br /> <br />