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term. The Chairman of the Centralina Job Training Consortium shall have <br />authority to represent the Consortium and to act on behalf of the undersigned <br />units of local government with respect to any matters adopted or passed by aha <br />Consortium and involving the administration of the JTPA in the Centralina Area. <br />With respect to adoption or approving matters concerning the administration of <br />the JTPA ~i~hin the service delivery area, the vo~e of a majority of the Chairmen <br />of Boards of Co~iaaioners at a Consortium meeting, or the unanimous vote of the <br />said Chairmen a~ that meeting, shall be required for action of the Consortium. <br /> <br /> VII <br /> <br /> LIABILITY FOR DISALLO~FED COSTS OF JTPA <br /> <br /> The undersigned units of local government hereby acknowledge that they are <br />jointly and severally accountable for liabilities arising out of activities under <br />JTPA a~d for all funds received by the grant recipient. As between the <br />consortium members themselves, liability shall be apportioned in the following <br />manner: (a) to the extent that a particular county benefits from costs <br />disallowed (e. g. an ineligible participant from a particular county received <br />training, the cost of which is subsequently disallowed) that county may be liable <br />for those disallowed costs; (b) any disallowed cost for which the benefiting <br />county cannot be determined shall be divided equally among the undersigned units <br />of local government. <br /> <br /> Vii <br /> <br /> DESIGNATION OF CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL <br /> <br /> The JTPA requires that the consortium members operate through the "chief <br />elected official" of the member governments. If any county member of the <br />consortium desires, it may designate any member of its Board as its "Chief <br />Elected Official" for JTPA purposes, in lied of having its Chairman serve in <br />such capacity. Unless otherwise notified of such designation of another member ~ <br /> <br /> <br />