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I <br /> <br />STATE OF South Carolina CONTRACT <br />COUNTY OF York <br /> <br /> In~ernational1. and Charlocce F~ocor Spe~dx~ay <br /> <br /> In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants, i~ is agreed as follows: <br /> <br /> I. Southern International agrees to furnish, on behalf of Sponsor. a fireworks display a~ Charl,~te, ~ .~ <br /> on October 9. 19 ~3 a~ appropriated lime. Said display shall be in accordance <br />wilh Soulhern lntcrnafiunal~ proposal 4309-S and subjecl ~o all terms and [imllafions comained ~herein which are <br />incorpomled in this agreemeni by reference. In case of inclement weather, as determined by Southern Inter,rational. the display <br />shall be presemed on the next clear nigh~ following scheduled dale and one lhat coincides with Southern lmcrnafional's schedule <br />of o~her displays. In the event ~ha~ weather condilions as de~ermincd by Sot~hern [mernafional do no~ allow said show 1o <br />proceed on scheduled date. Sponsor shall remi~ ~o So~lhern International the additional expenses i~ has ~ncurred in prcsemmg <br /> <br />price of said show. <br /> <br />00---~ 100 (SI Dollars for presemafion of the display. Paymem shall be made fifty (50~) per cern do~n a~ the si~ning of this <br />Comract and fifty [50~;~) per cern immediately upon completion of the display. All pawncms sba It be made by drafi payable to the <br /> <br />entering the security a~ca. No personal p~oper~y of any kind_ includin~ bu~ no~ limited lo molor x chicles ~ball be allowed wiihin <br /> <br />5. Sponsor may clecl to cancel Ihe show by providing Somhern lmernafional x~i~h 30 day~ written no~icc by registered mail of its <br /> <br />(25~) of Iotal conlracl price as liquidmed damages for s~ch cancellation. In thc cvcnl Ihat Sponsor fail~ Io provide Sot~lhern <br />Imcrnational ~iih stip~da~cd no~icc by r~gis~cred mail of Sponsors election to cancel, Soulhcrn Inlernalional shall retain thc <br />cmirc comract price of show as liquidated damages, <br /> <br />6. Sot~lhcrn Imernational ~halt nm bc liable for incidenlal or consequemial damages ~csuh mg fiom any breach of Ibis Contracl or <br />failure of or ~mpropcr performance on its part and performance by cilher partyshall be excused ~ he~ prcxcmcd by fire, accident, <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WItEREOF. Ibis agreement is cxccutcd in duplicate ~hc da~e shokvn above, <br /> <br />SOU'FHERN INTERNATIONAL FIREWORKS, INC. Charlotte ~otor Speed~tav <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />