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· - NORFH CARGLI?IA STATE OEPARTNEi;T OF ii~A/iSP(,RTAT~rON · <br /> DIV[SIOil OF I{IGi~.!AYS PETIi:,Oi; <br /> <br /> North Carol ina ,' ~ ~ <br /> County of /7,~ ~ <br /> ~ "'~ : AUG !0 1981 <br /> PetitiOn request for (check one) Addition to State System (v~EPART~,~H~OF~.~NiSPORi-ATiO <br /> Pavh~g ( ) ~IS~RICT ENOII~ER <br /> Naint:enance Improve~xent ( ) DIVISION it~ <br /> <br /> We the undersigned, being all of the property owners on //. <br /> (Describe or ~]ive local <br /> name or Secondary Road Number) in ~',~ '., ..... County do hereby request the <br /> Division of Highways of the Department of Transl)ortation to <br /> the above described road. <br /> Ve further advise that the road requested to ~'~ ~ ~ m,/~ <br /> , , .' i s mi 1 es <br /> in length and at the present ~ ~ ~: ..... / ' '' <br /> ~,me ~h,:~: ~,: .I occupied homes' located on <br /> the road and bavin9 entrances into the road. <br /> <br /> Finally, we agree to dedicate to the 9ivision of J[iohwavs a right-of-way <br /> sixty (60) fee~ in w~d[h ex~ending the entire length o¢ ~he ~'oacl ~ha[ is requested <br /> to be improved along with the necessary areas for cuL and Fill sim)es and drainage. <br /> Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-DE-way in ~he public r~ad intersect, ions <br /> for sight distance and design purposes and to execute s~id rigtat-of-way agreement <br /> forms that will be submitted to us by representatives o? the Oivisio~ of Hiuhways <br /> in order that the Division o¢ Highv~ays ~ulfil] the requirements of Chapter ~24~, <br /> 1959 Session of the General Assembly o~ NorU~ Carolina. <br /> <br /> REHARKS <br /> <br /> Two copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed iF applicable <br /> <br /> PROPERTY OWHERS <br /> NAHE ADDRESS <br /> <br /> The Division of tlighways should contact the firmst petitioner listed below: <br /> <br /> .... _ - ...,. .... .... <br /> ~'~ ~ - - .... ~.~___~ ....... _,____=_.~_,-- __~_~:~..~.=_.:_:.,, . _ <br /> <br />~:g,.~?~evJs~d Fon:~ SR-1 (5-78) Ali previous forms <br /> <br /> <br />