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3/28/2003 9:15:00 AM
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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2~ji'~]~?~¥~'~i=~ ~AHd~',!'~ndar tbip i~e~Blu'ti~ f,shall · me'al' ]the'.followiug '~inimum _standards: <br /> <br /> .:-~i~=-,.~?:~.~ (a) ~ A- rural~,~fzre ,department; shall, be-.zncorporated ~under the 'laws of <br /> '~77~i~'.i~S~,~Of N0~th Ca~iida. A ~6~Af~ipal ~fire R~'par~m&Ht 'shall be 6rganized dnder <br /> "ia~ 6rdina~ce Of ,th~ g~verning body 'of the incorporated city or town~ Fire depart- ments shall' respond to CAlls on a non-discriminating basis within Cabarrus County; <br /> <br /> (b) Each fire department shall have a fire chief, an assistant chief, <br /> other necessary officers an~ personnel with a.minimum of nineteen (19) fire fighters <br /> who a "eligible firemen"' in accordance with G.S. 118-23. A list of all members, and <br /> their address, telephone nnmbers, and social security numbers must be given to the <br /> fire macshal on or before July 1 of each year and within 10 days of the addition of <br /> <br /> (c) All active members of a fire department in good standing shall have <br /> some identification, such as a card, badge or car plate to identify then as a "bona- <br /> fide fire fighter". No one other than an active member in good standing shall be <br /> allowed to have this identification in his possession. <br /> <br /> (d) Each fire department shall have and maintain at least a Class 9 <br /> rating with the Insurance Services Office. Efforts should be made toward receiving <br /> lower ratings by each department through equipment purchases and water supply develop- <br /> meet. Ail equipment specified shall be kept in good condition and operative at all <br /> <br /> (e) Each department shall carry liability insurance on its personnel and <br /> equipment, leaving the county free from any responsibility for damages or claims <br /> resulting from the activities of its fire fighters or from the operation of its <br /> equipmenu. Each fire department shall also carry workmen's compensation insurance on <br /> its active members in order to provide those members with the benefits of the Work- <br /> <br /> (f) Each fire department shall carry out an organized training program <br /> which shall provide a minimum of thrity-six (36) hours per year training. The train- <br /> ing program shall include the training and qualifying of Bpparatus drivers. Written <br /> records shall be kept on all drills and include subject taught, instructor, hours, <br /> and members attending. <br /> <br /> (g) The fire chief for each department is responsible for stressing "safety" <br /> throughout tbe department and all phases of the department's activities. Emphasis <br /> shall be placed on safe driving of department o~ed apparatus and the fire fighter's <br /> personal automobile to emergencies, as well as on safe practices while fighting a fire. <br /> Only qualified drivers shall drive the fire apparatus and the names of qualified <br /> drivers shall be posted in the fire station and furnished to the membership of the <br /> department. Drivers shall operate apparatus with caution at all times and allow no <br /> one but active fire fighters to ride the apparatus when it is on call to a fire or <br /> other emergency. <br /> <br /> · (h) The senior fire officer within whose area a fire emergency occurs is <br /> the authority on the fire scene or when a fire occurs outside a recognized fire <br /> district the senior fire officer of the first arriving, department shall be the author- <br /> ity. Each fire department shall respond to the call of the fire marshal who shall have <br /> the authority to coordinate the activities of responding fire departments at the fire <br /> <br /> -2- <br /> <br /> <br />
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