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SECRETARY:CHARLES YAf¢DELL ii Post OFFICE BOX 3509g O ~,,' ~ r"~HAR~T~ r~ ~-: i O~.~ i%, ' C~,~. Er,-"-r ~ <br />T~EASURE~i':ROI~I~IEM~RPHY ~ CHARLOTTE. N.C. 2~23fi 1300 ~JAXTER ST. 70,~I~72.2ZI(; <br /> <br /> July 28, 1982 <br /> <br /> Mr. Charles McGinnis <br /> County Manager's Office <br /> P~O. Box 707 <br /> Concord, NC 28025 <br /> <br /> Dear Charles: <br /> <br /> The Centralina Council of Goveruments Board of Delegates, at their July 21 meet- <br /> ing, authorized award of contracts for ~S communications equipment for Cabarrus <br /> and Stanly Counties under our 1204(1) grant. Specifically, they awarded con- <br /> <br /> 1. General Electric ($270,200) for the bulk of the UHF co~unications <br /> system; <br /> <br /> 2. Dictaphone Corporation ($50,461) for logging recorders; and <br /> <br /> 3. Motorola Commnn~cations and Electronics, lac. ($33,560) for <br /> modifications to the existing Motorola console in Cabarrus. <br /> This award was made contingent upon our ability to resolve <br /> issums relating to price validity on this part oB. the bid; <br /> MotorolR: was the only bidder on this part of the system. <br /> <br /> The attachedbudget table shows total cost, grant share, and required match for <br /> Cabarrus County by item on this procurement. Before we sign any contracts with <br /> vendors, we would like to sign contracts ~ith Cabarrus Connty for the matching <br /> funds. This, as I understand, will require the Board of Co~issioners' approval. <br /> <br /> I therefore respectfully request that this item be placed on the agenda for the <br /> August 2nd Board of Commissioners' meeting. I plan to be present to answer <br /> any questions that may arise. <br /> <br /> Thank you for your assistance in this ~tter. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <br /> Rebecca R. Yarbrough <br /> ~IS Program ~dmSn~srrator <br /> <br /> Enclosures: Budge~ Table <br /> Contracts (2) <br /> <br /> <br />