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SUBCNAPTBR 9C - DIVISION PROGEAHS 393 <br /> <br /> SECtiON .0{03 - ADMINISTRATION 400 <br /> <br /> .0101 COUNTY COOPERATION; FISCAL ASPECTS 402 <br /> ia) ~he county cooperative forestry pro, ram provides many 404 <br /> services _~o private landowner{ and is based upon annual contract 405 <br /> ~_gceements between the department ind the cooperating counties. <br /> Ih9 ltr~am~n[ is ncqutiated ~nnually be[ween ~he coun[y board o[ U07 <br /> commissioners ~nd the department ~nd is renewed on 3 fiscal yedr U09 <br /> basis. <br /> lb) The a~nual ~g ~esme~ts bet~ee~ the department an~ the <br /> counties Eequire joiat fa~diag of the p~og~am. Cooperation by <br /> t~e G~unties is voluntary and is conti,gent upoa the a~ailability <br /> ~f ~tate m~tckis9 {ands. ?he agreement establishes the level of <br /> ~di~g for bot~ tke dep~tment and the county. <br /> ~ke portion paid by the co~nties ~anges fees 25 to ~0 percent <br /> · ~f the contracted amount, based upon the financial resources of ~7 <br /> ~he cpunties as expressel by the total assessed va~ation. An <br /> 9stablish~d sliding scale of ranges in total assessed valuatio~ <br /> ~ete~miaes the percentage of each county's sha~e i~ program ENO <br /> ~un,]in9. ~%s tax ~valuations ~hange the relativ~ position of the ~2] <br /> Sounties, coopera ti~e f u~di~g percentages are adjusted g22 <br /> ~cc~udi~gly. Revisions to ~he sliding scale of ~anges i~ <br /> assessed valuation a~e discussed ~ith the N.C. Associati9~ of g2~ <br /> Cou~t~ Commissioners and changes are 9a~e as the need becomes ~25 <br /> e~ident. Oecisions to mmke the ~evision ~re based upo~ tax <br /> · aluatian data from N.C. Department of Revenue, ~ivisio~ of tax g27 <br /> res enoch. Changes are m~de when movemant in the [elati~e g28 <br /> position 3~ several counties eliminates the ~esi. red ~pread. The ~29 <br /> timing 3f such revisions is governed to nile, ~daquate ~i~cal ~30 <br /> planning hy both the department and effected ~ounties. <br /> [he objective of the dep~tme~ i~ not to b~ing aL1 counties to ~33 <br /> ~h~ ~0 per~eRt za~imem l~vel 3f ~undin], but to retain a relative <br /> por~nt 9f total ~oanty fus;ts. ~35 <br /> <br /> Elf. February 1, 1976; ~39 <br /> Amended Elf. October 2, 3978; <br /> Read~nted Elf. November 6, 1980. <br /> <br /> · 0102 COUNTY FOREST R:%NGER EaPLOY~ENT <br /> la) The celerity retest r~nger is a state employee subje~ ~o ~5 <br /> all ~t~te personnel and budget, requirements. This fact is <br /> pointed out ~%d er the department's ~esponsibility in the qq7 <br /> <br /> .WORTH C%ROLINA {0~[N[SPRRP[VE CODE 1/16/81 9-8 <br /> <br />! I <br /> <br /> <br />