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approval, or no sooner ~han 45 days after the nursing home adniinistrat0rs' <br /> ,!5-day ~eriod for action has expired. ~?. <br /> ~ Od!cel'i. -- The comtm~tee shall elect from Its members a chairman, to ~.-. <br /> iff Quati~cacions. ~ Each member must be a resident of the county which ~.~ <br /> the commkme s~rves. No uerson or immediate filmily member eta person with <br /> a financial interest in a hdme served by a committee; or employee or governin~ :,~' ' <br /> board member m' immadiare ihmiiy m~mber of an employee or'governing boars <br /> member of a home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a .~:~" <br /> patient ]n~ home served by a committee may be a member of a committee. <br /> Membership on a committet~ shall not be considered an office as defined in G.S. <br /> ~8-! or 1~8-1.i, Any coumv commissioner who is appointed ~0 the committee <br /> shah be deemed to'he ser~'ing on the committee in an ex offido capacity. <br /> Members of the committee shall serve without compensation, but may be <br /> reimbm'sed ~or the amoum of actual expenses incurred by them in the <br /> refinance of their duties. The names of the commkrea members and ~he sara <br /> of exoiration of their terms shall be filed with the Division of Aging, which <br /> shall'supply a copy to the Division of Facilities Services. <br /> (g) The ~ivisio~ of Aging, Department of Human Resom'ces; shall develop <br /> training materials, which s]mH be distributed to each committee member and <br /> nursing home. Each committee member must receive training as specified bv <br /> the Dkrision of Aging prim' to exercising any power under subkection (h) ofthi~ <br /> section. The Division of Aging, Department of tluman ResOurces, shall provida <br /> the committees with information, guidelines, training, and consultation to. <br />direct ~hem in the perfornmnce of their duties. '" <br /> (hi Duties.-- <br /> (!) Each committee shall apprise itself of the general conditions under <br /> which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall wm'k for the <br /> best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting <br /> persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the res- <br /> olution of grievances at the local level. <br /> (2) Each committne shall quarterly risk the nursing home k serves. For <br /> each such o~cial quarterly visit, a majority <br /> bors shall be present. In addition, each committee may vlsi[ <br /> nursing home ir serves wheaever it deems it necessary to carry oat i~ <br /> dudes. In connties wkh four m' more nnrsing homes, the <br /> subcommittee assigned to a home shall nerform the duties of the <br /> commk~ee under this subdivision, and a m~jority of t}ie sabcommittee <br /> <br /> and S:O0 P.M., to enter into the ihcilkv the commktee serves in order , <br /> to carry out the membm-~' responsibilities. In a count5,' where i.~' <br /> subcomhfitte~s have been established, a memi)er shall have a right to..;~ <br /> entero~v ~:messewedbvsubconmtteesofwhchhe samember. <br /> <br /> commnmcate throngh ~[s ehan'man w~th the Deparunent of Haman <br /> Resources or any other agency in relation to tim interest of any <br /> pat e ~t. T e :tomes of all complhining pm'sons s mil remain c0nfiden- <br /> rial unless written permission is ~iven for disclosure. <br /> ;51 Each home shall cooperate with Che com~nittee as it carries oat iB .}72~7& <br /> duties. <br /> t61 Before entering into any nnrsing home, the committee, subcommittee, <br /> or member shall idemi~v itseJfto the person present at the facility who <br /> is in charge of the facility at that ti~ne. <br /> ti~ Narsing Homes [o Cooperate. ~ In order fro' a nm'sing home as defin~ <br />by G.S. 130-glet to be I ceased under [ha subsect on, ~he home shall cooper~ie. <br />with a communi[v adv sorv committee. 11977. c~ 897. s. 9- 1977, 2nd Sess.. c. g <br />1192, s. 13 <br /> 428 <br /> <br /> <br />