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sTATE O~ NORTH CAROLINA ...................... COUNTY <br /> <br /> J, . ..........................................................................o Notc~ry Public for the c~bove State a~,cl Count,y, do <br />~eby ~ertify that <br /> <br />personally appeared before me this day gnd acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seali this the ................. day of ........................................... 19 <br /> <br />My Commission Expires: <br /> <br /> STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ....................... couNTY <br /> <br /> I, ............................................................................o Notary Public for the above Slale and Courtly, do <br />hereby certify thai <br /> <br />personally appeared before me this day and acJmowledged Ihe due execulion of the foregoing inslrument, <br /> WITNESS my hand and Nolarial Seal, this the ................... day of ............................................ , 19 ......... <br /> <br />My Commission Expires~ <br /> <br />SI'ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ...................... COUNTY <br /> <br /> I .............................................................................a NOtary Public for the above Stale and County, do <br />hereby cert;fy that <br /> <br />personally oppemed before mo this dc~y and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. <br /> WITNESS my band and Notarial Seal, this the .................. day Of ...................................... , 19 ........ <br /> <br />My Commission~ Expires: <br /> <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ........................... COUNTY <br /> <br />I .............................................................................. a Notary Public for the above State and County, <br />hereby certify that ........................................................ personally came beret0 me this day and at,hOWl* <br />edged that he is ... .................... Secretary of .................................................................. ; ................................o <br />corporation, and lhal by authority duly given and os the act of said corporation, the Foregoing and <br />annexed inslrument was signed in its name by .................... ; ........................................... , its ........................ <br />President, sealed with il~ corporate seal and allested by himself as ils ....................... Secretary. <br /> WITHESS my hand and oftticlol seal, this the ................ day oF ............................................... 19 ....... <br /> <br /> <br />