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· NOW. Ti{E~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COJ'iTY CO;.R~tSS- <br /> !bNERg O~ THE COUNTY OF CABARRUS: <br /> <br /> 1) That the property oWners' share of the improvements is <br /> hereby determined to be the amount sho~m therefore on said general <br /> plan map. <br /> <br /> 2) That the Board of County Commissioners finds as a fact <br /> that each lot or tract abutting on the improvements h'as been <br /> specially benefited by the improvements in the amount assessed <br /> against such Ion or tract as sho~,n~ by the preliminary assessment <br /> roll. <br /> <br /> 3) Than the general map is hereby confirmed an (A.~./P.M.) <br /> on the day of , 19__~ and is ~-~by made <br /> the fin~i assessmen~ rO~provements. <br /> <br /> 4) That the Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to enter <br />on the minutes of this Board and the assessment roll the date~, hour <br />and minute of the confirmation thereof and to deliver a copy of <br />the assessment roll to the County Tax Collector. <br /> <br /> 5) That, after the expiration of twenty (20) days from this <br />date, the County Tax Collector shall cause to be published one <br />time in some newspaper published in the County a notice ~hat any <br />assessments contained in ~he assessment roll may be paid in full <br />to the County Tax Collector without interest thereon at any time <br />before the expiration of thirty (30) days. <br /> <br /> 6) That, if the owners of the lots or tracts against which <br />the assessments have be~n made do not exercise their option to pay <br />the same in cash as herein before provided in the original resolu- <br />tion providing financial assistance an the rate of twelve percent <br />(12%) per annum from this date. <br /> <br /> 7) That, the first of the installments with interest thereon <br />shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the publication <br />of the notice herein above required to be published, and one sub- <br />~equent installment with interest thereon shall be due and payable <br />on the same day of the same month of each successive year until <br />the assessments have been paid in full. <br /> <br />DATED: <br /> <br />ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COS~ilSSIONERS <br />Clerk to the Board of CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />County Co~nissioners <br /> <br /> BY: <br /> CHAI~X~N OF THE BOARD <br /> <br /> Approved as to form and legality <br /> COUNTY ATTORNEY <br /> <br /> <br />