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(3) Contributions from each county should be based on an <br /> estimate of potential loss to each county if the plaintiff <br /> is successful and should include the following factors: <br /> (a) railroad system property valuation in the county; (b) <br /> the alleged sales ratio of value of property for tax purposes <br /> to true market value in each county ss set forth in plaintiff's <br /> complaint; (c) number of years until next revaluation. <br /> (The Ad Valorem Tax Division has been asked to devise a formula <br /> to calculate each county's estimated potential loss. This <br /> · count 's rotate <br /> formula should be used to ~etermzne each Y P <br /> contribution - again, with a $100 minimum. You will receive <br /> e fo!lowup letter within a few days with a county-by-county <br /> analysis and statement of specific amount being requested· <br /> <br /> (4) 950,000 is the amount being recommended. In the event that <br /> all the funds are not needed, they will be refunded to the <br /> counties in the same proportion each county contributed. <br />We believe this is an important lawsuit for all counties and we know <br />of no other way to raise sufficient funds that assure that the court <br />takes into accounn the perspective of county governments. Please give <br />the matter y~ur immediate conszderation and, if possible, bring it to <br />the attention of your board of county commissioners at its next meeting. <br />We must act without delay since the trial is presently scheduled for <br />September. <br />If you have any questions or need further information an this time, <br />please call Butch Gunnells at the Association office. Area Code <br />919 (832-2893)· <br /> <br /> <br />