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B. CONSUMER/PROVIDER DETERMINANTS <br /> <br /> 1. [Please respond to the following questions by writing yes or no <br /> in the spaces provided.] <br /> <br /> (A) Are you a direct provider of health care (including <br /> a physician, dentist, nurse, podiatrist, optometrist, <br /> physician assistant, or ancillary personnel employed <br /> under the supervision of a physician) in that your <br /> primary current activity is the provision of health <br /> care to individuals or the administration of facili- <br /> ties or institutions (including hospitals, long-term <br /> care facilities, rehabilitation facilities, alcohol <br /> and drug abuse treatment facilities, outpatient <br /> facilities, and health m~aintenance organizations) in <br /> which such care is provided and, when required by <br /> State law, you received professional training in the <br /> provision of such care or in such administration and <br /> are licensed or certified for such provision or <br /> administrat~on~ if yes~ please specify: <br /> (B) Do you receive (either directly or through yaur spouse) <br /> more than one-fifth of your gross annual income from <br /> any one or combination of -- <br /> <br /> (1) fees or other compensation for research into or <br /> instruction in the ~rovision of health care; <br /> (2) entities engaged in the provision of healtb care <br /> or in research or instruction in the provision <br /> of health care; <br /> (3) producing or supplying drugs or other articles <br /> for individuals or entities for use in the pro- <br /> vision of or in research into or instruction in <br /> the provision of health care; or <br /> (4) entities engaged in producing drugs or such <br /> other articles; <br /> (C) Do you hold a fiduciary position with, o~ have a <br /> fiduciary interest in, any entity.described in (2) <br /> or (4) of B above; if yes, please specify: <br /> (D) Are you a ~ember of the immediate family (spouse <br /> and/or children living in the~same:household) of <br /> an i~dividual described in (A), (B), or (C) above: <br /> <br /> (E) Are you eo~aged in issuing any policy or contract <br /> off, individual or group health insurance or hospital <br /> or medical service benefits. <br /> 2. Public Official: __ Elected Appointed <br /> Please specify position <br /> 3. Private or Public Agency Representative <br /> Identify agency <br /> <br /> Name and affiliation of person making nomination, if other than nominee: <br /> <br /> Name [p~ease print] .'Signature <br /> <br /> I agree to serve as a member of the SPNSA G6v6rning B6dy if elected to such <br /> position at the next Annual.Me~ting or in the interim to complete an unex- <br /> pired term. <br /> <br /> FOR USE BY GENERAL PURPOSE LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL UNITS <br /> .[e.g., County, City, Town Governments] <br /> <br /> Should the above nemi~ee be elected to a seat on the SPHSA Governing Body, <br /> the nominee Iwill ) (will not ) be accepted as a representative <br /> of our goverm~ent~diction. -- <br /> <br /> Signature of Person Authorized to Ac~ for Jurisdiction <br /> <br />[Completed Nomination Forms must b~ received in the SPHSA Office by November 16, 1981.] <br /> <br /> <br />