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'-:71 :~' ( <br /> <br />o~,,~ ~,,o M~y 5, 1980 <br /> <br /> ~. T~oy Cook, <br /> Catarrhs County Board of Co~issiouers <br /> P. O. Box 707 <br /> Concord, N. C. 2802~ <br /> <br /> P,e: Allocagious For CBA And J~P <br /> Funds <br /> <br /> Deer [~. Cook: <br /> <br /> T~e Cabarrus County CBA/J~P T~sk Force ~as ~eceutly completed <br /> an ennual assessment of p~og~ Mesds ~or status offenders and <br /> yo~t~ at ~isk of referral to Juveuile corrections. Reco~e~d- <br /> atious for t~e funding of specific programs are ~erein beiug <br /> ~ade. <br /> <br /> The Task Force ~eco~ends t~e continued fuudiug of t~e <br /> Temporary S~elte~ Care ProJ~_~ w~tch was authorized by the <br />~t~l~ ~e'~ This program was opened in March of <br /> year by Lutheran Family Services (approximately three mouths <br /> behind schedule due to delays in ~cqutriug appropriate facilities) <br /> and is meett~ the county's needs fo~ such services. ~uding <br /> for t~is pro~ra~ iuvolves ~]9,0~7.00 in CBA funds, $1~,~68.00 <br /> tn J~P funds and ~1~960.00 in. local in-kind mmtching funds. <br /> Again t~is year, no casb appropriations are bei~ ~equested <br /> the county for matching fuuds. <br /> <br /> ~e Task Force reco~euds the approval oF fuudi~ for a~ool-- <br /> related project eutitled Cabar~us Schools Couuseling P~oJect. <br /> <br /> trained couuselo~ to work one-half day per week fu each of the <br /> five middle schools in Cabar~us County. This person will work <br /> entirely with ~hose children having a hisbory of disciplinary <br /> referrals, bruancy, suspensions, ebc., bh~ough individual and <br /> group counseling, ~is program has ~he suppor~ of all bhree <br /> school systems in the counby. I~ will be funded by $7,~85.00 <br /> <br /> <br />