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REVALUATION <br /> <br /> C TY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Sesled pro~s~ls'will be reoeived in Boom Number 123 by <br /> the Board of Gounly Gommissloners of ~sb~rru~ Gounty, ~t <br /> Oonoord, North Osrolin~, ~ntil 8:~ o'clock P.M. E~sler~ <br /> 8l~ndsrd Time, ~ondsy, duly 14, 1~, ~nd immedi~lely <br /> thereafter will De publicly open 8nd resd, for lhe furnishing <br /> of 18hot, prolessionsI settees, m~lerJsIs ~nd equigmenl <br /> entering Inlo the prepsrstion ~nd turnishlng of 8 complele <br /> rewlu~tion for O~bsrru8 ~ounty. <br /> E~h propo~l ~h~ll be 8aaompsnied by 8 bid guarantee <br />5% o~ the ~mounl of bid. The bid gusrsntee m~y be in <br />or by ~e~ilied che~k drswn on ~ b~nk or lrusl eompsny <br />~ured by lhe FedersI Deposit Insurance Oorpor~lion, or by <br />bund executed Dy 8 oorporste Su,'ely licensed under <br />18w8 of No~h ~rolin8 to ex~ule such ~nd, oondilioned <br />lh~l the surely will upon demsnd fo~hwlth mske p~ymenl to <br />the 9bligee u~n 8uah ~nd if the bidder f~ils lo execute the <br />oontr~l in ~oaord~noe wilh Ihe ~jd bid ~nd 8nd upon <br />fsilure to foHhwllh mske psymenls the surely 8h811 p~y to <br />lhe oblJgee ~n ~mounl ~u~l Io double lhe 8mounl ~f lhe <br />~id bid Dond, The deposit shsII be retsined il.the sue- <br />8ess{ul bidder f~ils Io execute lhe conlrs~l wilhin len dsys <br />8tier the ~wsrd, or fsIIs Io give ~lisl~elo~ surely 8s r~ <br />quired herein. No bid m~y be wilhdrswn <br />lime for r~eipt of bid8 nor ~hi~ (~) dsys theresHer. <br /> No propo~l will ~ oonsidered unles5 the Oonlrsolor <br />lering it sh~l furnish lhsrewilh evidence ~lislsotory lo <br />Gounly Ih~t ~ld ~nlr~alor h~8 ~h~ neoesss~ experience, <br /> <br />8nd roquirsme~IB ~ 8el fo~h In lhe specification, <br />unless the ~nlr~olor shsII furnish 8 peHormsnoe bond for <br />the full Bmount of the ~ontrsot, for ihe f~ilhful peHorm3nge <br />of Ih~ Gonlrs¢l, gu~rsnleeing the paymenl for ~11 I~bor, 8er- <br />vices 8nd m~teri~18 required in Deforming s~Jd aonlr~ol, J~ <br />lhe forms herein~Her provide, both ol whioh ~nd8 8h811 be <br />with ~me surely ~om~ny, or aomp~nies, ~ulho~zed to do <br /> <br />other peHInenl fsglors'sn~ judge lot lhemselves 811 lhe ~Jr- <br />8umslsn~eB ~nd surrounding aonditions ~ffectin~ lhe <br />~n~ n~lure of ~e wo~. - ' <br /> The ~rru8 C~unty ~rd o~ ~ommi~loners rese~e <br />lh~ ~ghl Io feint 8ny ~nd ~ ~ropo~ls, to w~ive in~ <br />form~lilie~, or ms~e ~u~h ~w~rd ~ In their opinion I~ 1o the <br /> <br /> This Ihe ~nd D~y of dune, 1~ <br /> <br /> OABA~U8 gOUN~OA~D OF O0~ISSiON E~8 <br /> <br /> <br />