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~-~1 16 (b) (2) funds which provides capital assistance to private non-profit agencies <br />se~ing the elderly and/or handicapped for vehicles are being .~ade availaJDle through <br />another' round of funding with preapplicaticn~ due to A~ DOT (~,~]ic ~'ansportation <br />Division) ~.~arch ]5. [979. For ~ore informal, ion contact K~ren Buckle at Centralina. <br /> <br />Section 18 - New Rural and Small Urban Transportation Pr~jr~ will provide capital <br />~d Operating assistance. P~lic agencies~ private, non-profit and private sector <br />providers are eligible to apply for these funds. P~lic involvement meetings are <br />being held across the state where you can obtain more information and e:<press a <br />desire to apply for these section 18 f~n~ds. 5~wo public involvement meetings ~e <br />being held in thi~ re~ion: Feb~ 1,t - Sa!i~y - 7:00 p~m. <br /> Feb. 15 - Albe~%rle - 7:00 <br /> <br />We ,~ere v,~ry pleu~;ad with the %~z~:out at the Nursing ~ome Court,unity Advisory Train- <br />inq. We offer our support and assistance to tk~se co~nittees and back-up ~gencies. <br /> <br />The :,anpcwer st'afl has been primax, ily involved in completing the evaluatibn of last <br />year's CE?,~.~ p~c>~rz~ns to use in ~e~t ye~'s ~snpower pl~. P~t one of the p~an, <br />the county ~ae,'~s analysis, is due tke first ,~f March, for prm]r~s star~inq 0ct6ber <br />1979. Leon Mil~er, formerly the A~95 c~ordina[~>r, assured the duties of maDpower <br />pi ~%u~er in January. <br /> <br />tn fancily pla]~ninv, ~le new ~%ealth educator, Lonna Wil!i~s. has,been vi:~ihing <br />local t~ealth depar~ents to fa~n~lia~,'ize herself wifh the pr:pgrams and '~Yys in which <br />she might be of assistance~ It 3pFe~s that the st~te family planning program will <br />~%derqo scme major ~',uanizational e]~{:z.ges, ~rior to or d~ing the next fiscal year. <br />~he 5'$cqr~g wJ].l be ~Dferated throu~]b the DI~ ',~estern regional office ].n Black <br /> <br /> Title ,~X <br /> The Title '.{X s{~aff has been helping county departments of Social Services rank <br /> the co~,~munity p]~oble:ns and ser~;ice priorities, to be!p them get ready to prepar~ <br /> ~]e annual social s~-.ivices budget. Part of the plan calls f,.)r estimated client <br /> n~nmbers and costs pe~ service. '~e staff has b,3en helping xnalyze internal records <br /> to assist in ~,:aking these projections. <br /> <br /> <br />