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AN AGREEMENT PLEDGING COOPERATION DETWEEN THE COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br /> AND THE CITY OF CgNCORD IN THE AREA OF STREEI AND SUBDIVISION NAMING <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, tte Cabarrus County Board of County Conmissioners, in <br />concert, w~th local goverqmeqtal officials of the municipalities and the <br />Kannaoolis Street Plarnin!l Board, recognizing the need to preserve the <br />health, safety and general welfare of the citizenry, especially in the <br />area of r~merqency services~ have developed a policy to erradicate duplicated <br />or deceptiveiy s~miia'r names in the area of subdivision and street naming; .' <br />ano <br /> <br /> WHEREAS. the elimination of confusion in the area of street names <br />has many desirable results including the lessening et the response time <br />by emergency vehicles on a county-wide basis; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS. the continued maintenance of this system of non-duplication <br />depends for a large part on the coooeration of the municipalities within <br />the County, the Kannapolis Street Planning Board and the Cabarrus County <br />Planning Department; <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE. LET IT BE RESOLVED'THAT THE ELECTED OFFICIALS OF THE <br />CITY OF CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, sitting in regular session on August 9, 1979, <br />do recognize the need for the continuation of this process and do agree <br />to attemp~ to coordinate any new proposed names Df streets of subdivisions <br />or any change in name with the Cabarrus County Planning Department prior <br />to official approval of the new name and doeth hereby authorize the City <br />Manager to execute said agreement on behalf of the Board of ~ldermen of <br />the City of Concord. This agreement adopted after motion, second and roll <br />call on this date. <br /> <br />DATED: August 9, 1979. <br /> <br /> BOARD OF ALDERMEN <br /> CITY OF CONCORD <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> Vi ctie 'C. Weant, Ci tyC1 erk ~_____~]~~.~k~ <br /> <br /> CABARRUS COUN~ CO~MISSIONERS <br /> COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br /> ~ORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> <br />