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Page <br /> <br />The County ~unger ha~ five requests fop ~o~ ~a~ation~ ~ch ~dl! <br />~ c~rt~ over ~ ~e l~-BO fi~c~ ~; 2~ acres of ~p~ ~ be <br />cut; 234 acres of ~b~ ~ ~ ~%~; S3 acres of ~p~ to be <br />~k~ for thi~; ~ 95 ~res ~ l~d prep~ati~ ~ be done. <br /> <br />?here ~o ~ forest m~n% p!~s r~ri~ follo~uF ~rk for 1~. <br />~1 of tl~s ~rk is on record at t~s %~e ~nd does not ~01~o ~' new <br />requests, }~2,' l~o~er6 ~11 ~e r~ue~ts duc ~ pl~s mmdc in 1~. <br /> <br />There is a need for an Assistant County ~mnge:' in Cabarrus County. The <br />that has be~% done mud work ~4~tch needs %o be done in the next yemm cenno~ <br />b6 done by one m~m. Marking; pulpwood and eewtimber is tA~e con~ntr~t and it <br />iz difficult for one man to do all that neede'to be done. ~easurinc laud <br />for site preparation and pl~%ting cannot be done by one k:~u. There i~ enou~,h <br />work in Cabarr~as Cc~nty to keep two i~ugers worPinc full tine. <br /> <br />The Co~uty i~c~:er appreciates very much the efforts thai thc, County Cmc~ission~'s <br />a~d the Col~lty I~xua&-er have made to Eot the ~s~ietent Co~.nty ,~anger in Cabarruo <br />County. I hope that the)- ~ ~ontinue to make this effort and I feel that <br />sc~et,hing will be done. }{ore work could be- acccc~.plishcd in Cabarrus County <br />with a~ ..'.ssistant for the County ~anger. <br /> <br />i cordially invite any and ,11 C(~ntmeloners and the County Hanager to accompany <br />me on any day on a field trip of the County. <br /> <br /> W/LLI.'d~. F. hO,'gO J{, COU!;TI~ :[~gJEH <br /> <br /> <br />