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· , OVERNMEN S <br /> '" '"" ' '' cEN RALINA COuNCIl OF <br /> VICE*CHAIRMAR: ROBERT RANDALL , · . <br /> SECRETARY: O.K. BEATTY ' sUiTE' 5Oi I:~29"GRE[NW(~OD~CLJFF . :. ~ .-."-' ' <br /> ' · ' '' · · POST OFFICE BOX 4168: . CHARLOTTE N.C. 2820,4. 372-2416 <br /> TREASURER: CECIL' DUCKWORTH . . . . . .. · . <br /> · TO: Mayors and' Chairmen o~ounty Commissions of ~11 Centralina COG Member- ....... <br /> ' Governments '. ' ' ~/~. . . ' : : --' '. "i"-':'::. -"; · -' "-. ' .' ' '. <br /> FRo>i: George J,'Monaghan ~',(~/- ' '..' .'.. ' .':' '. :.-..' -..". ... <br /> 'E aeutiv irecto / .' :' " ' "".,:: :"':-: "...' .' :'.: . <br /> D T~: ecamber 9,' 1976 · ' '" '' - : ' ' ' '. ', : · " ' : - ' '-'- } : "- .:?- <br /> The foZlo,~zing is an excerpt from the 'bYlaws of tile Centralina Council of Govern~ <br /> lents:. . . ..' ' -. " . '.-' : ~. : . -." ":..::: ' <br /> Article' II: REPP~]SENTATION AND VOTIN . '.- .... · .-. :.. <br /> .'. A. Certification of Delegates and Alternate__s: Each mambeK' shall, '. ' ":"1. . <br /> · prior to the first meeting of the Council of bach calendar year,'. .. <br /> certify to the Cooncil the names and mailing addresse~ o~'their '.: '.' '~:. <br /> delegate.and any alternate delegate or delegates who have been ".i" ' ~.~.' <br /> selected to represent such member on the Council during such ,: <br /> ' calend'~r year, or until his successor slmll be duly designated :. ' ..-. · ' <br /> . and certified, i Each member shal~ also certify the effective . '. <br /> · date of their selection~ which shall be January 1 of each year '' ' "-'' <br /> unless othez%~ise specified. The members may certify th.e names'- . <br /> and mailing addresses of any alternate delegates selected to . .". ' <br /> · represent such member i~ the absence of 'its d~legate, but no - ~' '. . .'. <br /> · alternate ~hai1 be permitted to represeht such member unless ': --':~' <br /> and until his name and mailing addres~ shall have been certified ' ~' <br /> . to the Coencil. Any member may certify any number of alternate '. '..: <br /> delegates, bnt all alternates shall be members of .the governing ' .' .' ! -' <br /> .. body of the member governmental unit. .... <br /> <br /> 'lie would appreciate knowing, the name of your Delegate and any Alternates 'for 1977 <br /> prior to our January 12kb Coancil of Governments meeting. '..' . . , · .. . <br /> Tf you appoint more than'one'alternate delegate,.please indicate who is first <br /> a~tern.ate,' se, cond alternat_e, etc, We'd like this so we'~ know ~ho has thin'vote ' · <br /> if more than one alternate comes· to a meeting. . . - · "J <br /> D~legates from Count~ governments are ~utomatically members of the Executive ... <br /> Committee. The municipal delegates f~om all municipal, member government uoits . <br /> within each County elect from their number, By caucus, one municipal delegate <br /> from their County to serve on the. Executive Com~nittee. .. .. ' <br /> <br /> , ' .-" '' ~9_ - .. .'': "':.':: :' '. ' ~ ·" <br />CABARR~JS COUNTY concord ha~'rhburg mounl pleasant GASTON COUNTY h¢lmonl be'sse~er'c;ly cherryville ga$1o~lJa <br />high shoals lowell m¢odenvJlle mounl holly ranlo stanley IREDELL COUNTY Iow volley mooresville <br />slates¥111e LINCOLN COUNTY ll6¢olntbn M[CKL£NBURG COUNYY charlotte' cor~ellus huntersville 'mallhews mlnl hill <br />pin~¥Hle ROWAN COUNTY ~hina'g~¥e faith granite quarry sallsb'ury spencer' 'STA~4LY COUNTY <br />Iocus't ' new london no~'v,;ood' o~k~oro :' richfield "stan~ield UNION' COUNTY ' ' mo'hr'ac waxhaw <br /> <br /> <br />