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I~2§ Shepherd Stneet <br /> Kanna~olie, North Craolins <br /> June ~, I~77 <br /> <br /> ¥~. Albert J Klimas,M.S.P.H.,~lrector <br /> P.O. Bo× II49 J~l~ ~ ~/'~ <br /> Concord, North Carolima 28025 <br /> CAB. couNTY <br /> Dear Mr. Klimas: HEALTH oEPT: <br /> <br /> I am submitting this letter to you £or bh~ <br /> franchis~ for bhe purpose of collecting s~lid ~Rste in Cabarrue Coun~yo <br /> <br /> ~. I have contacted Mrs. Ruth Shinn at Rpyal Garbage ~ervice end <br /> Hr~ ~illie Davis of Davis Garbage Service. <br /> Mrs. Shine informs me that it is ellright £or me <br /> work bhab ~ am now dolngsbut tha~ she does nob see the necessity o£ her <br /> having to wrfte a letter £or <br /> Hr. Davls informs me that he has no objection' <br /> em now ~or have been, aa this does not ~nter£ere with hie work in any way. <br /> <br /> 2o I am vary anxious to contin~e my services because I started serving <br /> my customers long before Hrs.. ~shfnn or Hr. Devfs ever started bo serve <br /> tn the areas where I now serye end have been serving since ~9~]. Z£urther <br /> feel that I am ~nt~bled ~o this prfvilige because ,through the years~I have <br /> b~llt up s re~ta~lon that fe b~tlt u~on the ?aibh and confidence o£ my <br /> setls£ied customers. <br /> <br /> ~o Ism,and have used this emnloymen~throngh ~he years~aa e necessary <br /> supplement ~o my regular retirement fneo~e~helpfng bo s~nnort my family. <br /> <br /> ~. I am ~repared bo offer my brucks to Mr Cetlowey for inapee~lon <br /> whenever this c~n be arranged. <br /> <br /> ~. ~ em asking for the privil~ge bo ~erve <br /> small number o£ customers theh I now serve, and have served since Lg~. <br /> <br /> I £eel, as bhe obhere do~ ~hab I em performing a much needed end e <br /> necessary serv~se ~o bhe cueto~e~at ~ere unable to get bhis service ab all <br /> before I offered them bhis help them. Iwould like bo conbinue to supplement <br /> what I a receiving from retirement in an effor~ to support my £amily in ~he <br /> mldeb of prices that continue to rise for me as thy do for everyone else~ <br /> Th~s is a parb of my abtempt bo continue eating end payiny my bills. <br /> <br /> Please know tha~ I do nob have any intenbfon of £urnish£ng any <br />£orm competition to those who have entered this work on a larger scele~ long <br />after I had established my service for bhe purpose of sopporbing ~y £amil¥o <br /> <br /> I will appreciate your serious consideration of <br />continue to collect solid waste l~ order that I may support my.~emily in <br /> <br /> Savannah Segars <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />