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PAaz 8 <br /> <br /> III, DEBT REDUCTION STA~EM~,,NT OF ...... _C_a_~__~_~__L~ .................. COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA · <br /> <br />(a) OUTSTANDING DEBT AT JULY 1, 19 ...... _!-~.~..._:* <br /> Principal--Bonds $ 1 ~ 027 ~ 000. <br /> --other Long-term Debt .................................................................................................. : ..................... $ 57_~ <br /> Unpaid Interest which Matured Prior to July 1, 19___~. ............................................................................ $ <br /> _ ................................................. <br /> <br /> Accrued Interest on Defaulted Principal Computed at Contract Rates $ ............................................... <br /> <br /> (a) ToTA~ ............................................................ : ...................................................................................... $_1,_06/,~.8_7~..00 <br /> <br /> (b) OUTSTANDING DEBT AT JUNE 30, 19 ................. <br /> , 95~, 000.00 <br /> Principal--Bonds ...................................................................................................................................................... $ ................................... <br /> <br /> None <br /> Matured and Unpaid Interest ................................... ~ ............................................................................................. $ <br /> <br /> Accrued Interest on Defaulted Principal Computed at Contract Rates $ .................. ~,~__O.~.?~ .................. <br /> <br /> (c) ~E~ REDUCTION ("a" minus "b") ....................................................................................................................... $ .......... 9~3.~225__.D_0_ <br /> {d} BONDS OR OTHER LONG TERM DEBT: <br /> Debt already incurred during current ~scal year ........................................................................................... $ ..................... _~)!.0_~_~__ <br /> Debt authorized dnring current ~scal year (exclusive of this application) .......................................... $ ..................... ~!..O_.~.?__ <br /> <br /> · ~egtnning of the ~sca! year nex~ preceding the curren~ ~sca! year. <br /> · ~End o~ the ~sca! year nex~ preceding the currea~ ~sea! year. <br /> <br /> h is 20th d J tree <br /> To these Statements I, II, and II, I 3~itness my and, th ............................... ay of ............................................................. ,,~., 19 ......... ._.... <br /> <br />S.orn to bede ............. t / / . <br /> <br /> ~ /- (~ ~--- f --"- "'"-'-~'"'~-- _ ................................... .0_~b_.a_~2S_ ......................................... County <br /> <br /> I. APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION <br /> <br /> To the Local ~over~ment Oommissfo~ o! ~ro~t2 Oarolina: <br /> <br /> · . Cabarru$ ~ _ <br /> I, Chas. l( Field County Accountant o~ ................................................................... uounty, being duly <br /> <br />authorized by the Board of Education and by the Board of County Commissioners of said county, do hereby make application on their <br /> <br /> behalf for your approval of a proposed issue of $ ............. _~__~_~__0__~__0.~..0._.0._ ............................ of STATE LITERARY FUND NOTE~h~said notes to <br /> bear interest at the rates provided and to mature on the dates stipulated in legislationj~)rtaining to said funds, sched~ge o~ which will <br /> be furnished to your Commission by the State Superintendent of Public Instruc~A~. ~ ~ ~ I [ ] <br /> ....... ............ ................................ ........ ....................... <br /> ~o~nt~t Accountant o! <br /> ¢~ bart ~_.s_ ....................................... County <br /> ..................... ~ .............................. <br /> <br /> J. APPROVAL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION <br /> <br /> Date .................................................................................... <br /> K. APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY GENERAL <br /> <br /> The foregoing application has been examined by me and is found to be in legal form. <br /> <br /> Date ................................................................................................................................................................................ , Attorne~ (teneraL <br /> <br /> <br />