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each ye ~r, both the principal of and the interest on said bonds to be payable at <br /> Chase N Ltional Bank of the City of New York, in New York City, in any coin or cu:.~ency <br /> of the lnited States of America which, at the respective dated of payment the~eo:;, is <br /> <br /> le~l ~.r f~ the payment of public and private debts. <br /> Section 3. That said $2,337,000 school building bonds may be issued frol tim~ <br /> <br /> to time in amounts as may be determined by resolution of the Board of Commission. rs for <br /> <br /> the Co~ty of Cabarrus and said bonds shall~ee designated "School Building Bonds Series <br /> __", the bonds to be issued at any one time to be designated by a ,d~eren~ series <br /> letter. <br /> <br /> Section 4, That said $2,33?,000 school building bonds shall be signed bl~ the <br /> <br /> ~hatrmm~ of the Board of ~nnissioners and the Register of ~ed~ and ex officio llerk of <br /> <br /> said Beard, under the corporate seal of the said County, and the annexec tnteres~ coupons <br /> <br /> shall b~ executed with the facsimile signature of said ~egister of Deeds and ex .fficio <br /> ~" Clerk. Said bonds and coupons and the endorsements to be printed upon the rever~e of <br /> ~- said bo~ ~ds shall be in substantially the following forms: <br /> United States of A~z~ca <br /> State of North Carolina <br /> County of Cabarrus <br /> School Building Bond, Series . . . . <br /> <br /> The County of Cabarrus, in the State of North Carolina, is Justly indebt, d and <br /> for valise received hereby promises to pay to the bearer or, if this ~nd be regil tered, <br /> to the ~'egistered owner hereof, on the first day of MaFch, 19~ , the principa, sum of <br /> ONE THOUSAND DOLIARS <br /> <br /> togethe~ with interest thereon at the rate of per centum per annum, payab~ e semi- <br /> <br /> ~nually on the first days of March and September of each year upon the presentation and <br /> <br /> surrend~,r of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become duel Both the principal <br /> <br /> ~f and t~he interest on this bond areppayable at The Chase National Bank of the City of <br /> ~ew Yo~:, in New York City, in any coin or currency of the United States of America whi~, <br /> ~t the ~espective dated of payment thereo~, is legal tender for the pa2mmnt of p~blic <br /> <br /> ~rivate debts. Fe~ the prompt payment hereof, both principal and interest as the same sh <br /> <br /> ~ecome ue, the full faith ~nd credit of said County are hereby inrevocably pledged. <br /> ~This bond is one of a series issued by said County, ecttng as an administrative' <br /> ~gent o~ the State of North C~arolin. a in providing a State system of~ public· schools, for. <br /> ~he pur~ ose of enlarging and erecting school buildings and acquiring necessary equipmeh% <br /> ~n orde~ to maintain the c~stitutional six months' school term in said County, snd thia <br /> <br /> !--' ~ond is issued under and pursuant to The County Finance Act, as amended, and the Local <br /> ~ernm~ at Act, as amended, and two orders each of which was approved by the vot~ of a <br /> <br /> maJorit[ of the qualified voters of said County who voted at an election duly called .an. <br /> held, aad resolutions duly passed by the Board of Co~_~ssioners for said County. <br /> <br /> It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things ~ squired <br /> <br />,~ to happen, exist and be performed preddent to and in the issuance of this bond ky the <br /> <br /> <br />