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A B ary District is created without regard, to tmmship er county lines. Fi~ ~ne <br />pereen~ of the resident freeholders within the proposed dis~rict ~Ast petition t.he <br />board ~f oount~ ooeaaissiOners of the county in which they live (or the boards et county <br />om~ts~ioners in both counties if the propesed district includes sections of two counti, <br />This pE tition MOST give, <br /> L, Boundaries of the propeeed district ~ <br />  Object f~r which the district is being set up, <br />The bo~ (or boards) of covntF commissioners h~ld Joint public meetings after not · <br />a~ corn thou~e door and in a ne~mp~. <br /> <br />If ·ppi Dyed by the county oo~aissionars~ the o~ trammits petition to the State <br />Board f Health requesting that the proposed sanitary district be ers&ted. <br />After~ue notice State Board of Health holds a public hearing on tbs propose~ d~strict <br />If aft ir the hearing the State Board of Health deem ~ advisable to mate the distric' <br />& reso][ution will be ad, ted to that effect defining the boundaries of the district <br />decl~ ng the territory within ~uch boundaries te be a sanitary district, <br />C~pies ef the ResoXution will then be sent back to the bo erd of oount~ cca~tssic ners o <br />The Bm rd of County ccemiseloners (or the co~aiss~oners of both counties ~eetin~ Jotot~ <br />if the .district includes parts of t~o counties) ~set and elect & Sanitary Distr~t Boar~ <br />of ?brae ~bers, which thereafter ie the governing bod~ of the district, ?he~ ~erve <br />until ~be next general election, whe~ their successors will be elected by the p~pXe <br />within~e distri~t° Members ~ the 8AN1TARY DISTRICT BOAED ~ust be residents o~the dis~ <br />trier, ITheir regular trams of office are two years, -- <br />The S~tary ~trict Board has ~orporate <br /> <br /> 1, Acquire~ oonstruCt~ ~aintain and operate a sewerage ~ste~, sewerage ~isposal <br /> · of treatment plant~ water ~pp~ sy~tea and purfication er treat~nt pla~t, <br /> 2, Issue certificates of indebtedness against the district, · <br /> ~,, Issue bonds. <br /> ~, Cause taxes to be l~vied and collected. <br /> %*Acquire By oondeamation purchase or otherwise real and personal property; <br /> rights of wey, etc, <br /> ~, ~n~er into agreement with owners c~ existing wa~er euppl~ and sewerage's~t~ , <br /> 8~ Make rules ·nad re g~tla~ions for the property fm~aing of the w~k~ ef the' <br /> <br /> !9, ~ntor into contralto for disposal of sewerage and enter ~ eoatrae~ for <br /> <br />Upon e~ scti°n the board ~ ~eet and elect a ch~ and a secretary md sha~ <br />such pE reonae~ as is necessary, <br />The bo~ rd then employ~ competent engineers to make a repcn-t ca the problems 'afl t w <br />sanitw y district. The reRort is to cover the following~ <br /> 1. Ma~e showing ~iee and leoaticn of the various parts of the work propose <br /> to be done, <br /> 2. Descriptic~ of existing facilities. <br /> ~. Description of proposed <br /> b, F~Lne and specifications. <br /> ~, 'Dee ~iption of preperty to he ~quired, <br /> 6, Estimates of cost, <br /> ?. Recomndationsl <br />1~e bo8~ ooneidersdiscussed.the ~ and na~ calx a public hearing at which the plans and <br />pr~I~, sm wil.1, he <br /> Tho bo~rd then adol~ a resolution which sets forthj <br /> ~eneral out. line of the work proposes to be donel <br /> 2,Engineers report giving details of work proposed <br /> 13, A~ount of. bonds proposed to b · issued to finance work., <br /> ~ ~, The f~rm and ter~ the proposed bonds and the interest rate thereon, <br />The 8A~ITARY DISTRICT BOARD then .e~llo upon the board of co~eissioners in the c¢ unty <br />or counties affected to set a date and make other arrangements for the election ~ithin <br />the district on the proposition of issuing bemds to provide funds for deing the ~ork <br />set 'fox'th ~n the resolution, <br />If · m Jority of the registered.voters within the Sanitary District favor issuizg the <br />bo~ds~ then the District b~ard shall proceed to issue and sell the bonds, If · saJ~rity <br />of the registered voter8 declin~ to fever the bond issue~ another e!~ctton ~ ~e heXd <br />at the expiration of six ~onths, Additional bond ise~ad e~y be handled in the sam ~ <br />~pon t~ e creation of the Sanitary District the coun~ coa~aiseioners shall file ~ith the <br />sanite~y District Board the valuation of the assessable propert~ witht~e district, T. ~e <br />Sani%ar~ District Board shall determine the number of cents per $100 valuation n~cessar~ <br />to operate the faciXi~iee of the district dar ing the ensuing year, The board o~ coun~ <br />eomgiseloners shall t~tdd to its general levy the ~unt per $100 detelmined ~d <br />certified ~ the Sanitary District Board, This tax is levied only on the propert~ in- <br />cluded in the Sanitary District. Every 90 day~ the coun~ shall remit to the Sa~itar~ <br />i~lstrict Board the ··cunt collected, - <br />' Th~ Ssnita~y District Board ~y issue certificates of indebtedness in anticipa~io~ of <br />'the lewying and collection of taxes to cower any and all expenses incurred by th~ Board <br />' incidez2 to the preparation of the engineers report and other necessary expense, <br />. If ~he bond issue is defeated the ~anitary District ~oard shalX~ cause to be lev~d and <br />collected a tax sufficient to p~y all certificates of indebtedn~ss issued by theI <br />Distri¢t Board. <br />(T~s ~or~atio~*is Dublised and distr~uted tf~ the info'ion and guidance~fr <br /> ox-.~an~apoAxs su~r~w~o a~e concerned about s~werage .disposal an~ water s~pp]~v <br />i problems ) <br /> <br /> <br />