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"RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $870,000 <br /> <br /> SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS, SERIES A". <br /> <br /> . (ii) $500,000 bends, consisting of 500 bonds of the <br /> denomination of $1,000 each, numbered 1 to 500, inclusive, <br /> designated "School Building Bonds, series B", and restating <br /> annually, March 1, in numerical order, lowest numbers first <br /> <br /> $34,000 1950, $10,000 1951, $10,000 1952, $8,000 1953 <br /> $8,000 1954, $10,000 1955 to 1959, inclusive, and $20~000 <br /> 1960 to 1978, inclusive, without option of prior payment, <br /> which bonds were issued pursuant to said Resolution amd <br /> orders and a resolution passed October 17, 1949, entitled: <br /> "RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $500,000 SCHOOL <br /> BUILDING BONDS, SERIES B". <br /> <br /> (e) That it is ~cessary that Cabarrus .County, acting <br /> <br /> administrative agent of the State in providing a State systen of <br /> public schools, issue at this time $500,000 of the unissued $967,0)0 <br /> bond s. <br /> <br /> Section 2. That there~shall be issued $500,000 of said <br /> unissued $967,000 school building bonds, which $500,000 bon~s <br /> shall be designated "School Building Bonds, Series C", <br /> consist of 500 bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered <br /> 1 to 500, inclusive, and said bonds shall mature annually, ~rch <br /> in numerical order, lowest numbers first, $21,000 1951, $21,~00 <br /> 1952, $8,000 1953 to 1956, inclusive, $10,000 1957, $10,000 11958, <br /> $16,000 1959, $20,000 1960, $25,000 1961, $25,000 1962, and <br /> $20,000 1963 to 1978, inclusive. <br /> <br /> Section 3. That the action of the County Attorney in s pplyin~ <br /> <br /> to the Local Government Commission to advertise and sell said <br /> $500,000 School Building Bonds, Series C, be and the same is <br /> hereby ratified and confirmed. <br /> <br /> Upon motion of Commissioner H. ~-. Fink, seconded by Commissioner <br /> R. W. Cline, the foregoing resolution entitled "RESOLUTION PROVIDI~G <br /> <br /> FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $600,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS, SERIES C", was <br /> <br /> passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Commissioners J. Lee White, C. M. Crowell, R. W. Cline, <br /> <br /> H. L. l~ink and p. E. Stallings. <br /> <br /> Nos s: None <br /> <br />orion by Ray I. Cline Seconded by P. Erne.t Sta~ling~ that county d~nate <br /> <br />to Merchants Association for ChristiAn Lighting. <br /> <br />Motion by Homer L Fink ~econded by P Ernest $$allings ~a~ofree peddlers licenses <br /> <br /> <br />