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Total net collectiorm 3,!;75.04 <br /> Total remitted to county by Ray C Hoover <br />t County General Fund Property <br />County Welfare adm, & General Belief , 63~:~9.16 <br />County Welfare Ada. & General Relief Polls <br />County Health Fund Property <br />County Veterans Service Officer Fund # <br />Oounty Old Age Assistantce Fund . <br />0ounty Aid to Dependent .Children Fund , <br />County Hospital .Maintenanee Fund , <br />Coun~ Hospital Debs ~ervice Fumd , 11,i~ .7~ <br />Count~ Debt Servi~e Fund ~ 31,1;79.57 <br />County School %md <br /> ~17,~i%3.38 <br />I County School Fund " <br />County. School Pund a 4,' <br />Total tross Tax, property poll~ and dogs 67§~1~06.0~ <br /> <br /> Advert: .sing Cost D§.O0 <br /> Deduct: .one ~ 6,413 <br /> ~rrors and Refunds . 1,2%1.02 : <br /> Rabies 46% Vac Certicicates e.?%~ 348.75 <br /> <br /> Land $~es to county 1~,2~3.71 <br /> <br /> Total evy, Lees deduction~ <br /> Sumaary 1949 Tax collections <br /> county ~eneral Fund Property 10% 969.56 <br /> County ~elfare Ada. & General Relief # 60 049.06 <br /> County Welfare Ada & General Relief Polls 4, 067.06 <br />I County Health Fund Property 49j.4~3.47 <br /> <br /> County Veterans Service OSfioer Property 7j 063.72 <br /> <br /> County Old Age Assietantce Fund Property 30j025.75 <br />i County Ltd to Dependent Children Fund l~perty 12j 362.59 <br /> <br /> Oounty Hospital Maintenance Fund Propert~ 14j130.~ <br /> County ~ospital Debt 3ervioe Fund Property 10j%98.82 <br /> County Oebt ~erviee Rind P~sperty 30j02,~.7% <br /> <br />Couaty lSeJ~ool ~md Propert~lr 302. 023 <br />County ~chool Fund Polls 12, <br />County S~hool ~ ~gs , <br /> <br /> Total ']axes collectdd <br /> AdvertTM. sin~ Cost ~: <br /> Total ! emitted to Count~ by Ra~ CHoover $ ,664~: 61.12 <br /> <br /> <br />