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STAND~ FORM OF CONTRACT FOR AUDIT OF LOCAL GOV~tNME~ UNITS- <br /> <br /> · <br /> AGREEMENT, Made this 6th day of, November 1950 in accordance with the re~ uire- <br /> <br /> ~ents f the Public Laws of North Carolina between <br /> <br /> Frank P ~uck Company of 0oncord, hbrth Carolina <br /> <br /> her~in fter known as the Party of the First part, and <br /> <br /> Board of County Commissioners of The County of Cabarrus <br /> <br /> North molina hereinafter known as the Party of the Second Part. <br /> <br /> .. IT IS AGREED that the Party of the First Part shall conduct an audit f the <br /> <br /> accoun s and records pertaining to the following funds and/or divisions of the 'arty <br /> <br /> of the Second Part: <br /> <br /> General Fund; Old Age Assiata~nce and Aid to Dependent Children Fund; <br /> <br /> Hospital Maintenance Fund; Hospital Debt Service Fund; Interest and <br /> <br /> ?~Sinking Fund; Sinking Fund; Parking Meter Fund; and School Fund; Hospita <br /> <br /> Building and Equipment Fund; and School Building Fund <br /> <br /> for t ~ period beginning July l, 1950 and endijg J. une 9, 1951 in accordanc~ wit h the <br /> Standm d Program of ~ddit Procedure attached hereto and made a part of this cont;ract. <br /> (Authozity for elimination or ~ariations from the Standard Program of Audit Pro¢.~edure <br /> must be obtained by the Governmental Unit from the Director of Local Government in <br /> w~itin be£oge a contract is executed and such eleminations, when approved by t~ · <br /> Direct r of Local Government must be stated hereunder with reference to the par~igraph <br /> number designated in said Standard Program of Audit Procedure.) <br /> <br /> 2. Party of the First Part agrees that the services he has contracted to ~rform <br /> <br /> under his contract shall be rendered by or under the personal supervision of c¢impetent <br /> i accoun ants who will faithfully perform their work withcare and diligence and r~ )ort ali <br /> irregularities, omissions and discrepancies in the accounts of the Party of the Second <br /> Part. <br /> <br /> 3. It is understood and agreed that should unusual conditions arise wher~ by the <br /> <br /> services of the Party of the First Part are necessary beyond the extent of the ork con <br /> templa~ed and required urger the ~tandard Program of Audit Procedure such unmsu I con- <br /> dition shall be referred to the Party of the ~econd Part w~ shall instruct s~id Party <br /> of the First Part concerning such additional services which shall be subject to the <br /> approval of the Director of Local Government. <br /> <br /> 4. The Audit shall be started as soon after this contr ~ct is executed an, approv d <br /> <br /> as is greeable to the Parties hereto and shall be completed a written report t ereon r ,~n- <br /> dered ithin a reasona01e time after the close of the fiscal period covered by .his con ;tact <br /> One cc y of said report shall be filed with the Director of Local Government. <br /> <br /> 5. ~n consideration of the faithful performance of the conditions covena ~ts and <br /> <br /> undert~ kings herein set forth the Party of the Second Part agrees to pay to the Party o <br /> <br /> the F~ st Part upon approval by the Director of Local Government a fee of <br /> <br /> Senior Accountant (C.P.A.) $25.00 per day <br />~-. Junior Accountant $15.00 per day <br /> <br /> Total 'es for Ennual Audit not to Exceed $1,000~00i <br /> <br /> <br />