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the Sanitary District Board of said Royal Oaks Sanitary District on the 1st day of May 1954, <br />authorizing the is~li~g~~ of not exceeding $175,0~O Water Bonds of said Sanitary District for the <br />purpose of providing funds for acquiring the existing waterworks system in said District and <br />enlarging and extending the system after acquisition, including the installation of larger <br />and a new storage tank, and the levy of a tax for the payment thereof and 14 voters voted against <br />the approval of said bond resolution authorizing the issuing of said bonds and the levy cf a <br />tax for the pa~nent thereof. <br /> <br /> A majority of the qualified registered voters voting at said election voted for ti~ approval <br /> <br />cf said~bond resolution authorizing the issui~ of not exceeding $175,~00C. Water Bonds of Royal <br /> <br />Oaks Sanitary District and the levy of a tax for the payment thereof. <br /> <br /> By order of the Sanitary District Board of Royal Oaks Sanitary District, this 28th day of Jun <br /> <br />1954. <br /> George W. Gillon, Chairman <br /> <br /> C. Harold Graham, Member <br /> <br /> A.W. Kelley, Member andSecretary. <br /> <br /> The Board of Commissioners for the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, met at the Courthouse <br /> <br />in Co~ord, the usual place of meeting, in adjourned regular session at 10 o'clock, A. M., on <br /> <br />June 28, 1954. <br /> <br /> There were present: J. Lee White, Chairman, and Commissioners M.S. Lyles, L.Bowman Barrier, <br /> <br />P. E. Stallings ~__nt ~ Fink; <br /> <br /> Absent: None. <br /> <br /> Commissioner P. E. Stallings introduced thefollowing 1resolution which was read: <br /> RESOLUTION RELATING TO ~. C~I~~. OF T~E RETYPES ~F ~ SPECIAL <br /> <br /> BO~D ~.ECTION N~.n IN THE ROYAL OAKS SAHITAR~ DII~RICT ON JUME 26, 1954. <br /> <br /> ~ IT RE~OL_~ED bY the Board of C~sioners for the C~unty~ of Cabarrua: <br /> <br /> Section 1. That the re~ o_f the special bond election held on June 26, 1954, in Royal <br /> <br />Oaks Sanitary District in Cabarras .County, having been_x~w~ived .from. the proper election~cg£ice~s <br /> <br />and the Board having canvassed the s~e, the following fac%s are hereby found and determined: <br /> <br /> (a) That at said election there was submitted to the qualified registered voters of said <br /> <br />Royal Oaks Sanitary District the proposition of is~,~ ~ n~t. exceeding $175~000 Water Bonds of said <br />District for the purpose of providing funds for acquiring the exist~ waterworka ~y~tem in said <br />District and enlarging and extending the S~stem after acquisition, includi~g the ins~tion <br />of larger ~ns and a new storage tax~,, and the levy of a +_~x for the pa~ thereof, as set <br />forth in a .bond resolution adopted by Sanitary District Board of Royal Oaks Sanitary District <br />on the 1st day of Nay, 1954, entitled: ,,RESOLD~-ION ~ORIZING $175,~00 WATER BONDS OF ROYAL OAES <br />SANITAR~ DISTRICT". <br /> <br /> (b) That the Board believes that said election.was coveted in full compliance ~th la~ <br /> <br /> (c) That the books made for the new registra%ien-have been ex,mined by this Board. <br /> <br /> (d) That the following schedule correctly shows the designation of the polling place at whi~ <br /> <br />the election was held, the number of voters registered in the new registration provided for said <br /> <br />election and qualified to vote in the election, the nmaber of votes~ cast for the proposition <br /> <br /> <br />