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243 <br /> <br /> Section 4. That the application of the County Attorney to the Local Government Commission <br /> <br />of North Carolina for the approval of said $15,000 Refunding School Bond Anticipation Note and for <br />the advertisement and sale thereof be and the same is hereby ratified. <br /> <br />Commissioner P.Ernest Stallings moved the passage of the foregoing resolution entitled: <br />"RESOLUTION PROVIDIL~ FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A $15,000 REFUNDI~ SCHOOL BOND ANTICIPATION NO~E", and <br /> <br /> ',ommissioner M. Smoot Lyles secOnded the motion and the resoltuion was passed by the follo~ingvote: <br /> Ayes: Commissioners M, Sm00t~._Ly!.es~ .Pt .E..~rnes. t Stallings~.~ ... Homer..... L.. -. Fink,. -~. L. Bowman Barrier <br /> and J. Lee ~'~ite~ Chairman. <br /> Noes: None . <br /> <br /> I, John R.Boger, Register of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for <br /> <br /> he County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, DO ~REEY CF~TIFY that the foregoiug is a true copy of so <br />much of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of said County at a regular meeting held <br />October 4, 19~ as relates in any way to the authorization of a bond anticipation note of said <br />County, and that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book No. l~ of the minutes of said Board, <br /> <br /> beginning at page 241 and ending at page 24~. <br /> <br /> ~T~SS my hand and the corporate seal of said County, this 6 ~h day of October, 19~4. <br /> <br /> John R. Roger, <br /> <br /> Register of Dee~s a~ex officio <br /> Clerk of Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />'Cab~rrus Count~y~ , '- <br />~l~°Ver~h~¢~.~llector of Cabarrus County, you are hereby authorized empowered and commanded <br />to collect the taxes set forth in the Tax Books, filed in the Office of the Tax Supervisor and <br />duplicated copy in the T~x Collectors offa ce and the Tax Receipts herewith delivered to you, in <br />the amounts and from the Taxpayers likewise ~herein set forth and such taxes are hereby declared <br />to be a first lien on a$~ Real Property of the respective tax pa~ers in ~abarrus County. a.~d th~ <br />order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, requi~e and enable you to levy on and <br />sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, ff~hd~h~mt thereof, in accordance <br />with law . <br /> <br /> Witness my hand andoffiCial seal this the 4th day of OctOber, 1954. <br /> <br /> CABA~US COUNTY <br />October 4, 1954 J. Lee White, <br />Attest: Chairman,Board & cOUnty Commissioners <br />Job2 R. Boger, <br />Clerk to Board (SEAL} <br /> <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> 1954 Tax Assessed, October 4, 19~. <br /> Charged to Ray A. Cline,Tax Col. <br /> <br />1954 Tax Charged to RaY A. Cline,Tax COllector <br /> <br />County General Fund Property ~192,707,06 <br />" " " Dogs 6~009.00 <br />Fire protection Fund P~°pertY 7,391.97 <br />Farm Agent Fund " 1!,861.5~ <br />Home Demonstration Fund " 6,876.26 <br />Veteran Service Offacer Fund " 7,391.97 <br />Welfare idmin~strati°~Fund " 32,146.~0 <br />General Relief Fund " 69,192.32 <br />" " " Polls 5,038.00 <br />Health Fund Property 71,599.O1 <br />Old Age Assistance Fund Property 32,146.49 <br />Aid to Dependent Children Fund Property 18,937.80 <br />Aid Perm. & Totally Disabled Fund Property 10,830.10 <br />Aid to the Blind Fund Property 5,930.77 <br /> <br /> <br />