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, ,,Inst ~ u,c~ ions <br /> <br /> 1. To vote fo! the approval of the bond ~esolution make a c~oss (i) ma~k in the squaxe to the <br /> left of the woxk "FOR". <br /> <br /> 2. To vote against the appxo~al of the bond ~esolution make a cxoss (X) ma~k in the sHuaxe <br /> to the left of the wo~ "AGAINSTe <br /> <br /> 3. If you tea! ox deface ox wxongly maxk this ballot, ~etu~n it and get anothex. <br /> <br /> ...... ..FOR the appxoval of the bond xesolution adopted by,he S,nitaxy Distxict Boaxd of <br /> · . Paxkwood Sanitary Dis~xict on ~p~iiL 11,/959, authox~zing the issuing of not <br /> ........ exceeding 4162,000 General Obligation Watex and Sewex Bonds fox the puzpose <br /> of pxoviding funds fox the acquisition and constxuction of a watex and sanitaxy <br /> sewex system fox the Distxict, including the acquisition, xeconst~uction and <br /> enlaxgeme~t of existing watex mains and lines, the constxuction and ir~tallation <br /> cg watex and sewex mains and lines, the cons~xuction of a sewage pumping <br /> station, and the acquisition of any necessaxy land and xights of way , a~/ the <br /> levy of a tax fox the payment thexeof. <br /> <br /> ....... AGAINST the appxoval of the bond xesolution adopted by the ~anitazy Distxict B~axd of <br /> · . Pa~kwood S, nitaxy Dis~xict on Apxil 11, 1959, authoxizing theissu/ng of not <br /> ·. ..... exceeding ~162,000 Genexal Obligation W~tex and Sewex Bonds fox the puxpose <br /> of pxoviding funds fox the acquisition and constxuction of a watex and sanitaxy <br /> sewex system fox the Distxict, inclg~ing the acquisition, xeconstx~tction and <br /> enlaxgemer~ ~ existing watex mains and lines, the constxu~tion and <br /> installation of watex and sews! mains and lines, the constxu~tion of a sewage <br /> pumping station, and the acquisition of any necessaxy land a ~ xights of way <br /> andthe levy of a tax fox the payme~ thexeof. <br /> <br /> 'F&csh~le~of ~ignatuze of Clezk of' Boaz'd cf <br /> Co~issionez s <br /> <br /> Commissiomex W.Ou~r Isenhoux. moved the passage of thefozsgoing xesolution entitled <br />"RE~OL~fION CAT.r.TNG A SPECIAL RO~D ELECTION IN P~KWO(~ SANITARY DISTRICT", Commissions! P. <br />Eznest Mtallings secom~ed themotion, and the ~esolution was passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes.. Commisaionexs M. Smoot Lyles,W. Guy Isenhou~, L.Bowman BaXXiex a~ r.~nest S%allings. <br /> Noes: None. <br /> <br /> Theze being no fuxthez business, the boaxd adjoxned to meet on Apzil 16, 1959 at 2=O0 P M. <br /> <br /> <br />