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The following resolution was also made: <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION CF THE BOARD CF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br /> CF CABARRUS CCUNTY <br /> <br /> On motion of'Oren J. Hill~ seconded by C. McNeil Petrea, the following resolution was <br />adopted: <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, at the February meeting of the Board a resolution was adopted requesting our <br /> <br />Senator and Representative to introduce a bill to place the Clerk of the Superior Court and the <br />Register of Deeds on a salary basis~· and whereas ~ the county attorney hms prepared a bill for <br /> <br />that purpose, a copy of which wil~ be attached to the certification of this resolution: <br /> <br /> Now, therefore~ be it resolt~ed: <br /> <br /> 1. That the Honorable, Clyde L. Propst~ Jr., State Senator, and Honorable Dwight W. <br /> <br />Quinn, member of the House of Representatives, be and they are hereby requested to introduce <br /> <br />the said bill~ and cause the same to be enacted into law. <br /> <br /> 2. That the County Attorney, be authorized and directed to transmit this request to <br /> <br />the aforesaid Senator and Representative. <br /> <br /> Voted : YES- C. Frank James~ Oren J. Hill, C. McNeil Petrea <br /> NO - W. Frank McCray~ M. Smoot LYles <br /> <br /> Dr. ~eorge T. Noel came before the Board representing Cabarrus Medical. Association in behalf <br />of the Kerr Mills Act for consideration and for the Commissioners to induce, a resolution in favor <br />of this act. <br /> <br /> Oren J. Hill made a motion~ seconded by M. Smoot Ly]es to resolve that the County Board of <br />Commissioners Cndo~me%.%he::pri~ctple of Kerr Mills~ aid to the aged. and request the'roe, tubers of the <br />Cabarrus County Legislative delegates to use their influence a~d vote for full impleme.n~.ation of <br />Kerr Mills as now represented in the bill pending in the State. Le~:islative. : <br /> <br /> Motion made bx. M. Smoot L¥1es seconded by W, Frank McCray thst sale of house anti,lot <br /> owneg by Lee Irvin Beasley of Cabarrus County sold <br /> at $1,700. be approved. ~500.00 be applied to funeral expenses' and $150.00 to attorneys ~fees <br /> <br />and the balance paid to County. . ,.: ~, . :. ~ <br /> <br /> Having no further business, the meeting adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />