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BC 1963 06 03
Public Meetings
Meeting Minutes
1960 - 1969
BC 1963 06 03
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Last modified
4/8/2003 10:35:13 AM
Creation date
11/27/2017 12:30:01 PM
Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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Conditions of Appraisal <br /> <br /> Unle~ otherwi~ stated, ~ appra~al is subtect to the following conditions: <br /> 1. I~formation as to the descr/ptlon of the premises, restrictions, physical and incoine features of the property appraised has been submitted by the <br />0urchaser of this Appraizal and is a~umed by th~-~ttze to be ~orrect~ Hox~ever, no responsibility is assumed by the .......................... <br />Board of l~ealters nor by the Committee thereof as to the correctness of such information. Said in/ormation has been fried in the records of the Boaxd and <br />is available /or inspection by the party to whom this Certfficate is issued. <br /> 2. It has been azsumed that the t~tle to said premise~ i~ good, and that the description of the premises correctly designate the boundary lines, but no <br />investigation or survey ha~ been made of the same, and the written value is gross without consideration being given to any encumbrances or question of title. <br /> 3. The appraisal represent~ the opinion of the Committee az to the fair market value, without re~erence to any special value to a parH~ular buyer or <br />seller; that is to say, a figure which ~hould be acceptable to either a willing buyer or a willing seller dealing in the open market upon ordinary reruns and <br />conditions. <br /> 4. Tho appraisal r~presents the value az of tim date of tl~ Certific~ate. <br /> 5. The appraisal cover~ the premises d~cr~bed only, neither the figures herein, nor any analysis thereof, nor any ~mit value thereby derived are to be <br />construed as applicable t~ an?, othe~ property, however similar the dame may be. <br /> 6. The attesting ~gnatures of the Ofllcer~ of the Bo~d. certi~ only az to the authenticity of this Certificate. <br /> 7. The contract for the appraisal of the premises is f~lt~lled by the Board upon delivery by it of this Certificate duly executed. <br /> <br /> WARNING. I/ this Certificate appears to have been altered or in any manner tampered with, it is suggested that the holder here~ bring the same <br />to the office of the Board for comparison with the duplicate copy retained in the Board ties. <br /> <br />North Carolina Association of Realtors, Inc. -- Form No. 17 <br /> <br /> <br />
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