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BC 1963 06 17
Public Meetings
Meeting Minutes
1960 - 1969
BC 1963 06 17
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Last modified
4/8/2003 10:35:13 AM
Creation date
11/27/2017 12:30:02 PM
Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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thence with Church Avenue North 74 Deg. 30 ~in~ Frost 252.0 Ft. to a stake; thence <br />North 34 Deg. OO MJ_n~ East 588.2 Ft. to a s~a~e; thence ~iorth 21 .Deg. O0 Min. <br />West l~OOO. OFt. to a ~ta~e; ti~ence .~.lorth 59 Deg. O0 ~Lu. West 178.9 Ft. to a <br />stake; thence North ~8 Deg. 00 I~Lin. West 13~ 5 F~, to a stake; thence North 70 <br />Deg. OO Min. West 66.0 ~'t. to a stake; thence South 66 Deg. CO Mir~. West 95.7 Ft. <br />to a stake; thence South 82 Deg. 00 Min~ West 99.0 Ft. to a stake; V~hence North <br />58 Deg. OO Min. West 89ol Ft. to a stake; thence North 80 .Deg. OO Miu. West <br />156.7 Ft~ to a stake; thence North 6 Deg. OO Mdn. ?mst 33.0 Pt. to a stake; <br />thence North 61 Deg~ OO Min. West 231.0 Ft. to a st~ke in West "A'? ~.~reet; t~ence <br />along West "A" Street North 3 Deg. OO Min. West 3~C.O Ft. to a stake; t~ence <br />South 89 Deg. 50 Min. East 695.0 Ft. to a stake; thence North i Deg~ O0 Min~ East <br />575.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South 68 Deg. O0 Mdt. East 201.8 Ft. to a ~ake~ <br />thence South 61 Deg. 30 Mir~. East 99.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South 83 Deg. CO <br />l~'~[n. East 396.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South 75 Deg. OO Min. East 21~o5 Ft. to a <br />s~ake; thence South 68 Deg. OO Min. East 237~6 Ft. to a s~ake in Locust Street; <br />thence South 3 Deg. OO Min. West 755.7 Ft. to a stake; thence South I Deg. 57 <br />M~n. East, along Forest Ava~us, 450.0 Ft. to a staEe at the intersection of <br />Forest Avenue and ~st Eighth Street; thence South 87 Deg. OO Min. East~ along <br />West Fdghth Street, 1,626.2 Ft. to a stake; thence }~rth 38 .Deg. O0 I~n~ East <br />72.A Ft. to a stake; thence South 88 Deg. 00 Min. East 664.9 Ft. to a s~k~; <br />theuce North 23 Deg. CO Min. East 571.0 }~. to a stake; thence South 62 Deg. <br /> 30 Min. East 325.9 Ft. to s. stake; th~ce South 27 Deg. 30 Min. West 85.0 Ft. to <br /> a stake; thence South 61 Deg. O0 Min. East SDO.O Ft. to a stake in North Main <br /> ~'breet; thence, along North Main Street, North 29 Deg. O0 Min. East 311cO Ft~ to <br /> a stake; thence South 8~ Deg. OO Min. East 95.2 Ft. to a stake in the center of <br /> the Southern Railwa~ Company's main line; thence, along the center of the <br /> Southern Railway Company's main line, North 27 Deg. 52 Min. East 774°2 Ft~ to a <br /> stake; thence South l0 Deg. OO Min. West 236.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South <br /> 19 Deg. OO Min. West 393.5 Ft. to a stak~ in North Ridge Avenue, the said stake <br /> being at the southwest corner of the tract of land formerly known as the "H. O~ <br /> Archer Property"; thence South 87 Deg. O0 Min. East, along the southern line of <br /> the tract of land fqrmerly known as the "H. O. Archer Property", 1~789~5 Ft. to <br /> a stake in North Cannon Boulevard; thence, along North Cannon Boulevard~ South <br /> 7 Deg. OO Min. West 8~7.0 Ft. to a stake, the said stake being at the northeast <br /> corner of the tract of land formerly known as the "A. ~. Sloop Property"; thence <br /> North 86 Deg. 30 Miu. West, along the northern lir~ of the tract of land formerly <br /> know~ as the "A. V. Sloop Property", 2,O81.5 Ft. to a stake; thence North 3 Deg~ <br /> OO .Min. West 207.2 F~,, re, a stake in North Ridge Avent~e; thence North 86 Deg~ <br />30 Min. West R2.5 Ft. to a stake in t~e cauter of the Southern Railway Company's <br />ma~,~ lt,~e; ti~e~,e, alo~ the center of ~JAe Sout~hern Railway Co. ~s main tine, <br />South ~O Deg. 30 Min. W~st 928.7 Ft. plus or minus to a stake; thence South 56 <br />Deg. 30 Min. East 700.0 Ft. plus or minus to a stake in Jackson St, } thence South <br />3 Deg. A8 Min. West 85.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South 7~ Deg. 15 Min. East 17~.0 <br />Ft~ to a stake; thence North 3 Deg. 35 Min. East 29.0 Ft. to a stake; thence <br />South 56 Deg. 30 Min. East 128 Ft. plus or minus to a stake; thence North 87 Deg. <br />OO ~Lin. West ~41.0 Ft. plus or minus to a stake, the said stake being the north~ <br />west corner of the tract of land formerly known as the "G. W. Lyerly Property"~ <br />thence along the western line of the tract of land formerly known as the "G. W~ <br />Lyerly Property", and along the w~stern line of the tract of land formerly kno~ <br />as the "J. H~ H. Sloop Property", South I Deg. OO Min. East 3,650.6 Ft~ to a <br />stake, the said stake being the southwest corner of the said tract of land <br />formerly known as the "J. H. H. Sloop Property"; thence along ~he southern line <br />of the tract of land formerly kno~ as the "J. H. H. Sloop Proper~y"~ and along <br />Chipola Street, South 85 Deg. 46 Min. East 2,055.0 Ft. to a stake in said Street; <br />thence South 21 Deg. OO Min. West 165.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South 32 Deg. <br />OO Min. East 231.O Ft. to a stake; thence South 28 Deg. CO Min. West 1~089.O Ft. <br />to a stake in the c~ter of a branch; thence up the said branch North ~2 Deg. <br />CO Min. West 891,0 Ft. to a stake; thence North 22 Deg. CO Mtn. West i98~O Ft. <br />to a stake; thence South 30 Deg. 38 Min. West 27D.O Ft. to a stake; i~ence South <br />81 Deg. 30 Mdn. West 352.3 Ft. to a stake in Wood Avenue; th~,nce Wood <br />Avenue South 31 Deg. ~O Min. West 932.0 Ft. to a stake; thence along Hudson <br />Street South ~8 Deg. 40 Min. West 1,595.0 Ft. to a stake at the intersection of <br />Hudson Street and Centergrove Road; thence North ~5 Deg. O0 Min. West 108o0 Ftc <br />to a stake in Huron Street; thence North 35 Deg. 45 Min. East 1,606.5 Ftc to a <br />stake; thence North 13 Deg. 30 Min. East 487.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South <br />67 Deg. CO Min. West 688.0 Ft. plus or minus t~ a stake; thence North 22 Deg. <br />O0 Min. ~West 60.0 Ft. to a stake; thence South 66 Deg. 19 I~LU. West 87.0 Ft. to <br />a stake; thence South 52 Deg. 51 Min. West 86~1 Ft. to a stake; thence South <br />35 Deg. OO l.~hn. East 35.0 Ft. to a stake at the intersection of Front Street and <br /> <br /> <br />
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