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~lus or minus to a st~;e 17C Ft. north .~.~' the c~%er of ~,octlawn Street; <br />in an easterly d~ect.4on, pa~'a~del wit,u ~.~d i.'?~ Ft. no~.~ o~ the ce~te~~ of Wood- <br />lawn Street, a dis~nce of 1,35(~ ~'t. ~tu~-.. o~' .~u~:s to a s~e 150 Ft~ ~ast of <br />the projected center line of ',an ut~aa:'..a,:, street; 't~ence in a southerly ~trectio~, <br />parallel with and 1.50 Ft. east of tile c.~'~te? of th,~ said un~amed street and the <br />projected cmlter line of t~e sa:kd un-named street, a distance of 730 Ft~ to a <br />stake; thence in a southwesterly direction &~O Ft~ plus or minus to the crater <br />of Lane ~treet and the center of a culvert crossing the said Lane Street~ the <br />said culvert is further idemt/fied as }eing ap pro x.~_ma t e ly 200 Ft, east of the <br />intersection of Lane Street and 'Lambert Streetl thence in a southerly direction <br />a distance of &lO Ft. plus or minus to a stake 170 Ft. east of the intersection <br />of the center lines of Lambert Street and Cl. ay o~treet; thence in a southerly <br />direction, parallel with and 170 Ft. ,ast of the center of L~mbert Street 1,600 <br />Ft. to a stake; thence in a northwesterly direction a distance of 2,1OO,. Ft. plus <br />~,..r ::hnus to a stake in the projected ceater line of Jennie Linu Street and 150 <br />Ft. east of the center of Florence Avenue; thence in a southerly direction, <br />par;~llel with and 150 Ft. east of the creater of Florence Ave~ue, a distance of <br />aO0 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. north of the cer. ter of Brantley Road; <br />',hence in mu easterly direction, parallel with and 200 Ft. north of the center of <br />Erantley Road, a distance of ~/~ Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft~ east of the, <br />projected center line of Midlake Avenue; thence in a southerly direction, paral- <br />lel with and 150 Ft. east of the projected center line of ,'.~dlake Avenue and the <br />~,e~ter of Midlake Avenue, a distance of 1,&50 Ft. to a stake; thence North 75 Deg. <br />O0~ ~'ltn. West 180 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft. east of the center of <br />~klewood Ave~ue; thence in a southern direction, parallel with and ~.50 Ft. east <br />of the cent, er of Dalewood Avenue, a distance of 1,600 Ft. plus or minus to a <br />s',ake 150 Ft. south of the center of Hopedale St.; thence in a northwesterly di~ <br />reft;on, parallel with and 150 F%o. south of the center of Hope~ale St~ a dis~ <br />tahoe of 850 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft. w~st of the projected center <br />line of Oakdale Avenue~ thence in a northerly direction, parallel with and 150 <br />Ft. west of the projected e~mter line of Oakdale Avenue end tN~ center of Oakd.%le <br />Aver, ne, a distance of 2,600 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. south of the <br />eer~ter of Brantley Road; thence in a westerly direction, parallel with and 200 Ft. <br />s~outh of the crater of Brantley Road, a distance of 2,670 Ft. plus or minus to <br />stake 200 Ft. east of the center of Shepard Street; thence in a southerly dd ree~ <br />tion, parallel ~ith and 200 Ft. east of the ceater of Shepard Street, a distance <br />of 1,OOO Ft. plus or minus to a stake; thence in a westerly direction, ~till <br />parallel with and 200 Ft. scuth of the center of the said ~epard Street, a dis- <br />tance of 300 Fto plus or minus to a stake ~00 Ft. east of the center of Beaumont <br />Aver~ue; thence in a south,fly direction~ parallel with and ~00 tt~ east of the <br />center of Bea~unont Avenue, a distance of 1,870 Ft. plus or minus to & stake 250 <br />Ft. south of the center of E1 Paso Street; thence in a southwesterly direction, <br />parallel ~ith and 250 Ft. southeast of the center of E1 Paso Street ~nd the <br />projected center line of E1 Paso Street, a distance of 1,950 Ft. plus or minus to <br />a stake 170 Ft. south of the crater of East First Street; thence in a westerly <br />direction, parallel with and 170 Ft. south of the center of 'East First Street <br />260 Ft. ~,lue or minus to a stake 170 Ft. southeast of the center of Fairview Sro; <br />thence in a southwesterly d4reetion, parallel with and 170 Ft. southeast of the <br />center of Fairview Street, a distance of 750 Ft. plus or m/nus to a stake <br />east of the center of McLain Road; thence in a generally south and southwesterly <br />direction, pa~=llel with and 200 Ft. east of the center of McLain Road, a dis- <br />tance of d,OOO Ft. plus or minus to a stake 260 Ft. east of the cent er of South <br />Cannon Blvd.; thence in a southerly direction, par~llel. ~ith and 260 Ft,. east of <br />the center of South Cannon Blvd., a distance of 1,170 Ft. plus or minus to a <br />stake 250 Ft. northeast of ~e center of Centergrove Road; thence in a generally <br />southeast and easterly direction, parallel ~ith and 250 Ft. north of t, he center <br />of Centergrove Road, a distance of 2,060 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 250 Ft~ <br />west of the center of South Little Texas hoad; thence in a northerly direction, <br />parallel with and 250 Ft. w.z, st of the center of South Little Texas Road, a dis~ <br />tance of 2,650 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft. north of the projected center <br />line of Valwood Street; thence in an easterly direction, parallel, with and 150 <br />Ft. north of the projected crater line of galwood Street and the c~ter c,f Val= <br />wood Street, a distance of 1,&50 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft~ east of the <br />projected center line of Villa Street; thence :in a southerly direction~ parallel <br />with and 150 Ft. east of the projected crater line of Villa Street m~d the ce~t,r <br />of Villa Street, a distance of 2,310 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft. east of <br />the center of gastway Avenue; thence in a southerly direction, parallel, with arid <br />150 Ft. east of the center of Eastway Avenue, a chsta~.ce of 500 Ft~ plus or minus <br />to a stake 150 Ft. south of the ceqter of Centergrove Road; thence in a westerly <br />direction, pag'allel ~dth and 150 Ft. south of the center of Centergrov, Road ~nd <br /> <br /> <br />