a distance of 640 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 2'50 Ft. south of the center of
<br />Bethpage Road; thence in a westerly dj ?e,~'tion, tza:~',': '-:..' ~th and 250 F'~. south
<br />of the center of Be'thpage P~a~, a distance cf 9':X'.) Ft. plus or minus to a stake
<br />200 Ft. west of the projected center l~.,,e of ~leass~t ;:~venue; thence in a north-
<br />erly direction, parallel w2th and 200 Ft. west of the projected center' line of
<br />Pleasant Avenue and the center of Pleasant Avenue, a distance of 1~870 Ft. plus
<br />or minus to a stake 250 Ft~ south of the center of Clifton Street; thence in a
<br />westerly direction, parallel with and 250 Ft. south of the center of Clifton
<br /> Sk, reet, a distance of 950 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. southeast of
<br />the center of ~'4ooresville Road; thence in a southwesterly direction, parallel
<br />with and 200 Ft. southeast of the center of Mooresville P~ad, a distance of 500
<br />~t~ to a stake; thence North A5 Deg. OO Min. West ~O0 Ft. to a stake 200 Ft.
<br />northwest of the center of Moo re sville Road; thence in a northeasterly direction,
<br />pa~'ailel with and 200 Ft. northwest of the center of Mooresville Road, a dis-
<br />tsr~ce of 9dO Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft. south of the center of Bailey
<br />~,reet,; thence in a westerly direction, parallel with ~nd 150 Ft. south of the
<br />ce~ter of Bailey Street and the projected center line of Bailey Street~ a dis-
<br />tance of 630 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Pt. south of the center of Rainbc~
<br />Drive; thence in a westerly direction, paralle~ with and 200 Ft. south of the
<br />center of Rainbow Drive, a distance of 1,250 Ft. plus or minus to the center of
<br />Irish Buffalo Creek; thence up the center of Irish Buffalo Creek as it meanders
<br />in a northerly direction, a distance of 4,920 Ft. plus or minus to
<br />the center of said Creek in the projected center limm of Hinson Street; thence
<br />in an easterly direction, along the projected center line of Hinson Street, a
<br />sis%artec of 160 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft. west of the center of Akron
<br />Avenue; thence in a northerly direction, parallel with and 150 Ft. west of the
<br />cent, er of Akron Avenue and the projected center line of Akron Avenue~ a distance
<br />of ],~lO Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. north of the center of West "C"
<br />Street; thence in an easterly direction, parallel with and 200 Ft~ north of the
<br />center of West "C" Street~ a distance of ~30 Ft. plus or minus to a stake in the
<br />wes:;ern line of the Cannon ~tills Company tract of land kno~._~ as the "Sewage
<br />T]~eatment Plant Site"; thence, along the western line of the Cannon Mills Co~'s
<br />'~.~ewage Treatn~nt Plant Site" tract of land, South 2 Deg. OO Min~ East 600 Ft.
<br />plus or minus to a stake, the said stak~ being the southwest corner cf the said
<br />tr~c.t of land; thence, along the southern line of the Cannon Mills Co~ ~s "Sewage
<br />T~eatment Plant Site" tract of land, South 86 Deg. 47 Min. East 1,300 ~%~ plus
<br />or minus to a stake, the said stake being the southeast corner of the ~aid tract
<br />of l,~.~,.d; th,,,o,, .~]....,~ ~no ,,~..~,~, 1~,~ ~,~' ~,he Cannon Mills Co.'s "Sewage Treat-
<br />ment Plant Site" tract of land, North 13 Deg. 30 ~in. East 1,080 Ft~ plus or
<br />mums to a stake; thence, still with the line of the Ca, men Mills Co~ ~s "Sewage
<br />T.,,-~,~,~, Plant Site" tract of lar~d, South 78 Deg. 15 Min. East 150 Ft~ to a
<br />stake in the western margin of Glenn Avenue; thence with the wester~,~ margin of
<br />Glenn Avenue, North 13 Deg. 30 Min. East 600 Ft. plus or minus to a stake in the
<br />cen%er of a branch; thence up the center of said branch, as it mear~iers in an
<br />easter]~v direction, a distance of 1,280 Ft, plus or minus to a stake in the
<br />center of said branch 200 Ft. west o~' the center of West "A" Stree~ thence in
<br />a northerly direction~ parallel with and 200 Ft. w~st of the center of West "A"
<br />Street, a distance of 1,4DO Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. south of the
<br />canter of McKnight Street; thence in a westerly direction, parallel with and 200
<br />FTc. sout, h of the center of EcKnicht ~reot., a distance of 800 Ft~ plus or min~zs
<br />to a s*~ke 200 Ft. west of the c~nter of Glenn Avenue; thence in a northerly
<br />direction, p%rallel with and ~0~, ~t. west of the center of Glenn
<br />tar:ce of 1.,585 Ft. to a s~ake; t:~nce due east &70 Fh. plus or minus to a stake
<br />200 Ft. west of the center of Arden Avenue; thence in a northerly dire¢~ion~
<br />parallel with and 200 Ft. west of the center of Arden Avenue, a ,fli~bance of 550
<br />Ft. plus or minus to a stake ~00 Ft. north of the center of Klutz ~%reet; thence
<br />in an easterly direction, pardi_lei with and 200 Ft. neath of the center of Klutz
<br />Street and Chaunan Avenue, a distance of 765 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Mt.
<br />east of tho ¢.~ter of West "A" Street; th~ce in a southerly directkon~ parallel
<br />with and 200 ~t. east of the cent, er of '~'ost "A': £t~.'~¢t, a dd~tance of 2~050 Ft.
<br />plus or minus ~ a stake 200 Ft. east of the intersection of the center liras of
<br />W~.st "A" Street and Enochvi.lle Roa~t; thence in a southeasterly directJ, on, a di~
<br />ta;~ce ~f 1~6OO Ft~ plus or minus to a stake in the center of an un~r~med street~
<br />tl~e said stake being 200 Ft. north of the center of I~cust Street~ thence in an
<br />easterly direction, parallel with ~d 200 Ft. north of the center of locust
<br />Street~ a distance of 1,leO Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft~ west of the
<br />projected center line of Moss Avenue; t2~ence in a northerly direction~ paralJ~el
<br />with t~e projected center of Moss avenue and the center 'of Moss Aven. u~ a dis-
<br />tance of 900 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. north of the cen. t er of K~mball
<br />Street; thence in an easterly direction, parallel with m~d 200 Ft~ ncrth of the
<br />
<br />
<br />