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center of Kimtm!l Street, a distance of 950 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. <br />west of the center of Gary Avenue; thence in a no~the~ly direction, parallel with <br />and 200 Ft. west of the center of Ga~$~ Avenue and the c~nter line of Gary Ave. <br />projected, a distance of 1,O00 Ft. plns or minus to a stake in the center of a <br />branch; thence up said branch as it ~.eanders in a northeasterly direction, a <br />distance of 1,150 Ft. plus or minus to a stake in the center of the said branch <br />250 Ft. west of the center of Plaza ~.venue; thence in a northerly direction~ <br />parallel with and 250 Ft. west of the center of Plaza Avenue, a distance of <br />1,050 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. south of West gist Street; thence in <br />~ westerly direction, parallel with the center of West gist St. and the c~ter <br />of Lipe Street, a distance of 2,800 Ft. plus or minus to the center of a branch; <br />thence up the center of said branch as it meanders in a northerly direction, a <br />distance of 850 Ft. plus or minus to a stake in the center of the said branch <br />P.00 Ft. south of the center of West 22nd Street; thence in a westerly direction, <br />p~rallel with and 200 Ft. south of the center of West 22nd Street, a distance of <br />~00 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. east of Jack Street; thence in a south- <br />~rly direction, parallel with and 200 Ft. east of the center of Jack Street, a <br />distance of 300 Ft. plus or minus to a stake; thence in a westerly direction, <br />still parallel with the center of the said Jack Street but 200 Ft. south from <br />the center thereof, a distance of 420 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 150 Ft. east <br />cf the projected center line of Crestmont Ave.; thence in a northerly direction~ <br />parallel with and 150 Ft. east of the projected center line and the center of <br />~restmont Avenue, a distance of 750 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. north <br />of the center of West 22nd Street; thence in an easterly direction, parallel with <br />and 200 Ft. north of the center of West 22r~d St., a distmnce of 1,110 Ft. plus <br />or minus to a stake 200 Ft. west of the projected center line of Knight Avenue: <br />t~ence in a northerly direction, parallel with and 200 Ft. west of the projec~ <br />center line of Fa~ight Avenue and the center of Knight Avenue, a distance of <br />1,930 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. north of the projected center line of <br />?o.~emont Avenue; thence in an easterly direction, parallel ~ith and 200 Ft. <br />norbh of the projected center line of Rosemont Avenue and the center of Rosemont <br />Aw~nue, a distance of 600 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. west of the cent~ <br />of Vale Avenue; thence in a northerly direction, parallel with and 200 Ft. west <br />of the center of Vale Avenue, a distance of 1,O00 Ft. plus or minus to a stake <br />2~0 Ft. northwest of the center of Airport Road; thence in a northeasterly direc- <br />tion, parallel with and 200 Ft. northwest of the center of Airport Road, a dis- <br />tane~ of 1,380 Ft. plus or minus to a stake 200 Ft. west of the center of North <br />Main Street; thence due east 400 Ft. to a stake 200 Ft. east of the center of <br />North ¥~in S~reet; thence in a sou+heasterly direction, parallel with and 200 <br />Ft. east of the c~ter of North ~ 'Main Street, a distance of 1,200 Ft. plus or <br />niuus to a stake in the center of the right-of-way of the Southern Railway Co. ~s <br />main line; thence in a southeasterly direction, a distance of 200 Ft. plus or <br />minus to the point of the BEGINNING. <br /> <br /> Excluded f~om the foregoing tract of land is the fo/lowing described property: <br /> <br />A certain tract or oarcel of land in China Grove Township, Rowan County, and in <br />N~mber 4 To~auship, Cabarrus County, State of North Carolina, add more <br />particularly described as foll¢~s: <br /> <br />BEGINNI~ at a stake in Gay Str.=~t 165 Ft. plus or minus southeast of the inter- <br />section of the center line of C-ay Street with the center line of Leonard Avenue, <br />the said stake is further identified as being the north corner of the "Ball Park" <br />tract of land, and running thence with Gay Street North 42 Deg. 00 ~Lin. West <br />2,300 Ft. to a stake; thence North 48 Deg. O0 Ydn. Fast 77.5 Ft. to a stake; <br />thence North 40 Deg. 00 Min. West 156.7 Ft. to a stake in Central Avenue West; <br />thence with Central Avenue West North 46 Deg. 35 Min. East 125.0 Ft. to a stake; <br />thence South 40 Deg. O0 M~Ln~ Es~st 15~6 Ft. to a stake; thence North 48 Deg. <br />O0 Min. East 537.5 Ft. to a stake; thence North 18 Deg. O0 ~Ln. West 1,079.6 Ft. <br />to a stake in Pine Street; thence South 85 Deg. O0 Min. East 519.5 Ft. to a <br />stake; thence North 8 Dog. O0 l<in. West 424.0 Ft. to a sts~e; thence North 16 <br />Deg. 00 ~hu. West 171.2 Ft. to a stake at the intersection of South Juniper St. <br />and Cedar Avenue; thence with Cedar Avenue North 26 Deg. O0 ~Lin. Fast 714.0 Ft. <br />to a stake; thence North 86 Deg. O0 Min. West 347.2 Ft. to a stake in Hemlock <br />Avenue; thence North 81 Deg. 00 Min. West 156.0 Ft. to a stake; thence North <br />29 Deg. O0 Min. East ~52.2 Ft. to a stake in West "C" Street; thence with West <br />"C" Street North 56 Deg. OO ~Lin. West 1,672.3 Ft. to a stake; thence North 2~ <br />Deg. O0 ~Lin. East 479.4 Ft. to a stake; thence North 77 Deg. OO Min. East <br />2,087.2 Ft. to a stake in Elm Street; thence with Elm Street South 26 Deg. OO <br />Min. East 826.8 Ft. to a stake at the intersection of Elm Street and Church Ave.; <br /> <br /> <br />