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Sanitary District the following three propositions: <br /> <br /> 1. Issuing not exceeding $6,354,000 General Obligation <br /> Water and Sewer Bonds for the purpose of providing <br /> funds, with any other available funds, for the <br /> acquisition and construction of a water system and <br /> the construction of a sanitary sewer system for the <br /> District, including water and sewer mains and lines, <br /> water storage tanks, a sewage collection system, <br /> sewer outfalls, interceptors and pumping stations, a <br /> sewage treatment plant, water and sewer service connec- <br /> tions, and appurtenant buildings and facilities, and the <br /> acquisition of any necessary land, rights of way and <br /> equipment, as authorized by a bond resolution adopted <br /> by the Sanitary 9istrict Board of said District on <br /> .October 29 .... ; 1963, and the levy of a tax for the <br /> payment thereof. <br /> <br /> 2.Issuing not exceeding $60,000 General Obligation <br /> Fire Fighting Equipment and Apparatus Bonds <br /> for the purpose of providing funds, with any other <br /> available funds, for the prchase of fire fighting <br /> equipment and apparatus for the District, as authorized <br /> by a bond resolution adopted by the Sanitary District <br /> Board of said District on October 29 , 1963, and <br /> the levy of a tax for the payment thereof. <br /> <br /> 3. Issuing not exceeding $56,000 General Obligation <br /> District Building Bonds for the purpose of providing <br /> funds, with any other available funds, for the <br /> construction of buildings for the District, to <br /> include fire station and office and other District <br /> facilities , and the acquisition of any necessary land <br /> and equipment therefor, as authorized by a bond <br /> resolution adopted by the Sanitary District Board of <br /> said District on .pctober. 29 . , 1963, and the <br /> levy of a tax for the payment thereof. <br /> <br /> Section 3. There shall be a new registration of voters <br /> <br />for said election, the books for such new' registration to be open <br />from 9:00 A.M. until sunset on each day beginning Saturday, <br />November 23, 1963, and ending Saturday, December 7, 1963. On each <br />Saturday during such period said books shall be kept open at the <br />polling places. Saturday, December 14, 1963, shall be Challenge Day. <br /> <br /> Section 4. Notiee of said election and new registration <br />shall be published once a week for three succeesive weeks, <br />first publication to be at least thi=ty (30) days before the <br />close of the registration books, in The Daily Independent, a news- <br /> <br /> -3- <br /> <br /> <br />