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The Cabarrus County Ccemissioners met at a call meetin9 Saturday, April 11, 196h at <br /> <br /> at the Courthouse.' <br /> <br /> Present: Chaiman, C. Frank James <br /> <br /> Ccssatssloners, Oran Hill, Mol[eli Petrea, Frank HcCray, Smoot Lyles <br /> <br /> Nearing called to order by Chairman Jaees. The Nayor and Board of Aldernen were present <br /> <br /> for this .nearing. Robert I/arran vas spokesnan for this group and reed the follovin9 stateaent~ <br /> <br />wA S]~T~ BY 1HE NAYOR A~ B(Ia_H) OF ALDEI~EN OF THE CITf OF COI~OI~D <br /> The Board of Aldermen of the City of Concord has the responsibility of re~oving and disposin~ <br /> <br /> of the garbage of.the citizens of this City. At the old location operated by the City, garbage <br /> could not be disposed of in keeping with the best sanitation sad health requirements. I/hen the <br /> City acquired property for another purpose, plans were made .to re~ove these facilities to the <br /> new location Just as soon as possible. However, those facilities were not yet available to the <br /> City for that purpose and the City sought temporary quarters until suitable arrangeaents could be <br /> ~ade at this City owned property. <br /> <br /> A contract was negotiated with private indtvtf~als under the supervision of the Cabarrus <br /> <br /> Iiealth Deper~___~__-nt to re~ove garbage frc~ the City and .be disposed of according to regulati%ns. <br /> County <br /> <br /> During the time these services were performed for the City a constant check was kept with <br /> <br /> the Health Depsrtsent to assure that the operation was in keeping with the st~xtards required, <br /> <br /> and at all tl~es the City has been assured that this was being done. <br /> <br /> Now, according to published reports, it ~ppears that these services are not being perforsed <br /> <br /> in the m~nner required by law ~ in keeping with the health and sanitation standards of the <br /> <br /> comaunity. <br /> <br /> THEREFORE, the l~ayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Concord have decided that it is <br /> <br /> in the best interests of the citizens of Concord and the Su~'roundin~ coomunity that these <br /> facilities be reaoved from the present location to City owned property and arrangeaents for this <br /> removal will be completed on or before Nay <br /> <br /> H. L. Hart, Principal of ¥inecoff High School, case before the Board concerning a project <br /> <br /> being carried on at l/inecoff nigh School. This is for an annex /~[~ feet long to be added to the <br /> gym, which will provide two classrooms and work will be perforned by students who are studin9 <br /> · aasonry. Petrea sade action, seconded by Lyles that an extra $10,000 be' included with the <br /> refinancir~2 of bonds in order to cover this project. At%er discussing this with attorney <br /> Beckerdite, this action vas tabled until /hrther checking could be done on the refinancing of <br /> the bonds. <br /> <br /> Members of the Concord, County ~nd Kannapolis School Boards were present at this meeting. <br /> <br /> Ir. Stroup presented the following figures as a breakdown to be applied to the 3 schools for <br /> <br /> the $6,000,000. These figures were agreeable with all boards, sncl is figured at ~0.~78~. <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County Schools ..... -$2~ 820~ 230.00 <br /> Concord City Schools ..... 1,~"1,129.66 <br /> Knnnep ol i s School s- ........... 1,208,670. OO <br /> <br /> The commissioners thanked the School Boards and advised them they would be notified within <br /> <br /> /~avlng no further business, meeting adJcetrned. ~. lark) <br /> <br /> <br />