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NOTICE OF SPF. CIAL BOI~--~I~ION <br /> and <br /> S'~~rA-L~ IU~CXSTRATION <br /> <br /> COUNTY OF CABARRUS, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> A special bond election will be held ~hroughout Cabarrus <br /> <br /> County be~een 6:30 ~,~t. ~nd 6:30 P.}l., Eastern Standard Time, on <br /> Tuesday, August 4, 1964, at which there will be submitted to <br /> qualified..v0~rs of said County chi fo'llowi~g .question., <br /> <br />............. Shall an passe~ en ~ 22,'.--t96~; <br /> authorizing the County of Cabarrus, North Cato- <br /> <br /> all. other debt which said County m~y now._o_r. <br /> -after ha%e--pb~e~ ~or' au'~'~oriCY'~-~cract, and in <br /> <br /> in an asgregace principal-aount not exceedin~ <br /> *~,0~,000 for che purpose-o~ ~iding'fun~,' <br /> with any other available funds, for erecting addt- <br /> cional school buildings and ocher school planc fa- <br /> cili~ies, reaodeling, enlarging and reconscruc~ln-8 <br /> existing school buildings and other school plan= <br /> fac~i~ies ~d acquiring necessary t-an~ and equip'- <br /> men= therefor =o provide additional school facili- <br /> ties in the Coun~-of C~arrus ~o maintain ~he six <br /> aonChs~ school ~e~ in said CoU~.~y as required by <br /> Se~tlon 3 of Art'iCle ~' '0f"'~' Const{~tion, and <br /> authorizing the levy and collection off a sufficient <br /> t~ for the pa~ent of the principal of and the in- <br /> terest on said bonds, ~ .~p~oved? <br /> <br /> T~ ~esCion he~in~ove se~ ~o-rch contains a scacemen~ <br /> <br /> o~"Che pu~ose ~or ~hich ~he bo~s-"are au~h0rtZed by the order <br /> <br /> referred to in said question. <br /> <br /> If slid bonds are issued a ~ ~ill be levied upon <br /> <br /> ~able property in the County of Cabarrus ~o~ the .pa~enc o~ the <br /> <br /> principal of ~d the inceresu on said bohds <br /> <br /> elations in sgd Co~Cy will be used,' ~n~'~such B-6b~S-Will B'e op~h <br /> for the registration of voters noC Chereto~ore registered from 9 <br /> l'.~. un=il 'sunset on each gay be~i~in~ Saturday, July 11, 1964 <br /> and closint Saturday, July 25, 1964. On each Saturday durin~ such <br /> =~is=ra~ion period said books will be open a~ =he pollint places. <br /> <br /> <br />