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motion~ seconded by Hill to grant this request. Veto carried. <br /> <br /> Hill made motion, seconded by NcCray to grant John. Shue, 206 Franklin Ave. relief from <br />payin0 poll tax c~de to disability. Vote carried. <br /> <br /> A petition was presented to change the name of Burnt Mill.Road to Crestmont Road, also <br />the following road petition was presented~ Hill made motion, seconded by Lyles to approve these <br />petitions. Vote carried. <br /> <br /> Patterson St. Ext.--------Request for Surface Treatment <br /> <br /> Bids were opened far fuel oil far Cabarrus County. There are as follows~ <br /> <br /> Carolina-Oil Co. (t~2 'fuel oil) 12.85 per gal, less 2.~90 per gal, plus all taxes. <br />  " 9.2 per gal. <br /> " .0~§23 per gal. <br /> Cen'~ral Dist' ~e. " .09167 per gal. net <br /> gulf Oil Ce. ' ...... " 9.60 per gal. <br /> Hill smde motion, seconded by Petrea to gr~nt Central Disteibuting Co. the contr~t for <br /> <br /> the price of $ .09167 per gal. Vote ca~ied. <br /> <br /> Petrea m~de motion, seconded by Hill to adegt the £ollowin9 resolution~ Vote carried., <br /> RE~OLUTION ~a)O~I~ $100 MILI~OI~ <br /> STATE SCHOOL BOB <br /> <br /> ~~, ~dequate public schonl lmilding, as well as.qualified teachers and up-tea, ate <br /> <br /> ce~rses, ~t~ necessary ingredients o£ a sound public school system; and <br /> MHBRFAS, the construction of necessary public schN1 buildings is is~osing an ever-larger <br /> burden on county property taxes and county property taxpayers; and <br /> YHERFAS, the General Asse~bl~ has offered to help counties meet this burden by authorizing <br /> the issuance off $100 million in State School Beads, subject to the approval of the voters at the <br /> General F-l~ctien on November ~; and <br /> ¥I~RE~, iff these State School Bonds are ~t~roved on November ~, the public schools of <br /> Cabarrus County will receive the ~ of $67~.97 for use in building additional school <br /> buildings ~hen they are neededj <br /> ~HERE~, this ~eunt end mere will be necessary in the ismediate future if the children of <br /> Cabarrus County are to have ~dequate buildings in ~d~ich t® study and prepare far a productive <br /> role in the life of their co,unity, the county, and the State; <br /> ND~ ~E BE IT P~SOLV~D by the ~ OF CCUNT~ C(I~tt.cSIONE~S of Cabarrus Cevaty that <br /> the State SchN1 Bonds be m~d they hereby are heartily endorsed, because they will h~p provide <br /> the additional sch~l buildings that onr children need. <br /> AND BE IT l~JRTH~R I~SOL¥~D that all the voters of Cabarets County be ~nd they hereby are <br /> u~ged te vote FOR the issuance of these State Sch~l Bends at' 'the 6oneral ~lection on Nov. ~. <br /> AD(~T~D this the Fifth Day of October, 1~4. <br /> <br /> On motion of Wt. Oren Hill, secended by McNeil Petrea; the fellewing reselutien was <br /> <br /> adopted by unanimons votes <br /> MHEREAS, Hr. Millime NcKee Merrisen appeared before the Board and asked for re-fund ef <br /> certain taxes pai~ for the year 1963; and whereas it appears, and the Beard finds as a fact, <br /> that a tract ef approximately 280 acres ef land was listed in Cabarrus Ceunty for the year 1963; <br /> that a portion ef the said tract actually lies in Mecklenlx~g Ceunty, and wasaassessed by <br /> Mecklenburg for the year 1963; and whereas the Beard finds that the tax assessed, and paid, far <br /> 1963 on that portion which lies in Necklenburg was illegally levied and assessed. <br /> New, therefore be it resolved: <br /> 1. That the Ceunty Tax Supervisor be instructed te determine the acrea0e lyin~ in Mecklent~Arg <br /> County; and that the tax be recee~uuted te determine the ameunt paid which was illegally assessed <br /> upon the portion ef said tract lying in Mecklembur~ Caunty. <br /> 2. That upon the filing of a written demand ~r refund within the time fixed by law, the County <br /> Accountant is hereby directed te rei~und the tax illegally assessed and paid upon that portion ef <br /> the said tract lyin~ in Mecklenlxtr9 County for the year 1963. <br /> <br /> Jehn Sharpe Hartsell reperted te the Beard that 179- ballot hexes will be used in the <br /> <br /> general Election. He stated there are only 103 er 104 metal boxes and wants te hnew if Cemmissiem rs <br /> are going te buy additional metal hexes. Nr. Hartsell was instructed te repair enough ef the eld I <br /> hexes needed at this time. } <br /> <br /> <br />