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The Cabarrus Ceunty Cea~issieners met at their regular meeting l~anday, December 7, 1964, <br /> <br />Presents C. Frank James, McNeil Petrea, Smeet Lyles, Frank McCray <br /> <br />Absent ~ Oren Hill <br /> <br /> C. Frank James called the meeting te arder. Minutes w~re read by Cleie Hanceck and stand <br />approved. <br /> <br /> Frank l~cCray made metion, secended by Petrea te appreve the follewing reselution: <br />"BE IT RESOLVED: The Beard of Cemmissieners of Cabarrus Caunty, N.C., gees en recerd of <br />apprevin§ amd spensering the Ceddle-Celdwater-Dutch Buffale Creeks Watershed Imprevement <br />Pregram as recem~ended by the Beard ef Supervtsers ef Caharrus Sell and Water Canwervatien <br />District, and ~uaranteetng the maintenance, when cempleted, ef the area ef said watershed <br />which lies within Cabarrus Ceunty. <br /> This reselutien was adepted by the Beard ef Ce~aissieners ef Cabarrus Ceunty, N.C., this <br /> 7th day of Oecember 1964." <br /> <br /> W. D. RatChford, Clerk ef Superier Ceurt swore in the fellowing censtables before the <br /> Ce~missieners~ Larry Cermet--T-lO; Zeb C. Ouery--T-1; Herman W. Biggers--T-4; and alse <br /> Jerry TUcker was swam in as Justice ef the Peace in #TIO township. <br /> <br /> W. D. Ratchgerd presented the yearly audit and Superier Ceurtts repert. McCray made metien <br /> secended by Petrea to accept this audit and report. Vete carried. <br /> <br /> Harry Brewn reperted to Ce~missioners the "Citizens Beard" findings on the N.C. State <br /> Builders and Plumbing Cede. Their findings are as fellews: <br /> <br /> (1) That the Board ef Ceunty Ceauaissieners ef the Ceunty ef Cabarrus by apprepriate roselutien <br /> cause the previsiens ef Article XX (PI,robing) ef the l~erth Carelina State Building Cede te be <br /> applicable in Cabarrus Ceunty te (1) Dwellings, and eut-buildings used in cennectien therewith, <br /> and (2} Apartment buildings used exclusively as the residence ef net mere than twe families <br /> (as w~ll as te the structures te which said rel~ulatians already apply) <br /> (2) ~hat the Beard ef Ce~nty Cemmissieners require that within this ceunty cast iren be required <br /> as the material fer Building Drains and Building sewers as these terms "Building Sewer" and <br /> ~Building Drain" as defined in Chapter III ef Article XX ef the Narth Carelina State Building <br /> Cede. <br /> (3) That the Beard ef Ceunty Ce~missteners empley a qualified plumbing inspector under the <br /> previsiens ef Oeneral Statute of 159-9 (47), after the enactment ef legtslatien &f such be <br /> necessary te extend said Oeneral Statute suhsectian to Caharrus Ceunty. <br /> (4) That the preblems invelved in.the enfercement ef the plumbing cede, including the expense <br /> thereef, he further evaluated befere undertaking te empley a h~ilding inspecter er to extend <br /> the ether Articles ef the State Building Cede beyand their present applicatien. <br /> <br /> Dr. Werlman .veqaeated permissien te paint an eld carry-all the Health Dept. new has and <br /> <br /> fer the Civil Air Patrel te be able te use this in their training. Petrea made metien, secended <br /> by Lyles te grant this request. Vete carried. <br /> <br /> Dr. Workm~.n requested Janltartal service fer the Health Dept. ether than the prisianers. <br /> <br /> It was agreed te study this request until next budget time. <br /> <br /> L. P. Fete came befere the Beard cancerning Hetel Cencerd as te any interest the ceu/~y may <br /> have in purchasing this building. Ne actien was taken. <br /> <br /> l~r. Beckerdite presented letters £rem the three scheel beards stating the ameunt ef meney <br /> they will need fer the year 1965. It was agreed by cemmissieners te leave this meeting epen <br /> until further in the menth far this matter. <br /> <br /> <br />