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The Board of Commissioners for the County of Cabarrus met in regular session <br /> <br />at the Courthouse in Concord~ North Carolina on December 3~ 1973 at 9:00 a.m. <br /> <br /> Presaat - Chairman: S. Glenn Hawfield~ Jr. <br /> <br /> Commissioners: Robert A. McClary <br /> Charles Gallimore <br /> John A. Hammett <br /> <br /> Absent - Comaissioner: C. Frank James <br /> <br />The invocation was by the Reverend Lanny Elmore of Wilmar Park Baptist Church. <br />The minutes of the November 5~ 1973 meeting were read and corrected to read <br />NcClarymade motion, seconded by Gallimore~ to award the bid to TwoeWay Radio <br />iervice.(RCA). <br /> <br /> Upon motion by Hamaett, seconded by Gallimore and carried~ a letter is to be <br /> <br />w~itten to Dr. Ladd W. Namrick~ Jr. expressing the countyts gratitude for his service <br />on the Health Board. The Board is to consider at the next meeting the appointments <br />to the Health Board. <br /> <br /> Gallimore made motion to authorize NcClary to determine the current patrol car <br /> <br />requirements for law enforcement. Notion seconded by Hammett and vote carried. <br /> <br /> Nammett made ~otion that Flay Kiser be appointed Civil Preparddness Coordinator. <br /> <br />Motion seconded by Gallimoze and vote carried. <br /> <br /> Motion by Namaett, seconded by NcClary, to close the Courthouse on Saturdays <br /> <br />during the winter months to help conserve fuel due to the energy crisis. Vote <br /> <br />carried. <br /> <br /> Hamaett made motion to accept the followin$ Resolution honoring Dale N. McCray. <br /> <br />Motion seconded by McClary and vote carried. <br /> <br /> WHEREA~ Dale N. McCray~ a resident of Kannapolis~ Cabarrus County~ North <br />Carolina~ was killed in an autoambile accident on Friday~ November 2~ 1973{ and <br /> WHEREA$~ Dale N. McCray was a faithful and effective mamber of the Cabarrus <br />County Recreation Comaission and was Physical [ducation Director of the Cannon <br />Memorial YNCA~ and had served his County in many other areas of civic and religious <br />life including teaching Sunday $chool~ participating in the Association Of <br />Christian Athletes{ and <br /> WNEREAS~ Dale N. McCray was selected as F~nnapolist Young Nan of the Year in <br />1971; and <br /> WHEREAS~ Dale N. McCray is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jo Anne McCray~ aud <br />two daushters~ Susan and Holly; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners: <br /> 1, That in the death of Dale N, McCray ~abarrua County and its citizens have <br />suffered a great loss{ <br /> 2. That by his life and service to others Dale N, McCray provided an <br />inspiration to his fellow citizens{ <br /> 3. That the mambers of the Board of Co~missioners express their feeling of <br />loss and convey to his family their sympathy{ <br /> 4. That a copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Dale N. McCray. <br /> Unanimously adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus County at the <br />Regular December~ 1973~ meeting. <br /> <br /> Upon motion by Hams~tt, ~erry G. Shepard vas appointed t~ the Recreation <br /> <br />Coa~ission. Gallimore seconded the motion and vote carried. <br /> <br /> Hamaett made motion to reappoint Gallimore as delegate to COG. Motion seconded <br /> <br />by McClary and vote carried. <br /> <br /> <br />