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l'O THE BOANI) OF (]()M~J'S~; I()Nt~{I~f;: <br /> <br /> Rowan County ]~,~}s(,d II()tl~,;in9 (ioFpor~}t,[on, ,~ North Carolina corpora- <br /> tion, owner of all the! ].and:; in tho two tracts described hereinbelow, <br /> r(3spectfu]].y petitions that al~ necoss0rv action required by Article 12 <br /> of Chapter 130 of. the General Statutes of North Carolina for the <br /> extension of t:he bo~]ndari(,s of the K~nnapo] i.s Sanitary DJ. strict in <br /> Cabarrus and Rowan CountJ~,s be L:aken so as to annex said lands and <br /> <br /> Di:-;trict: und(~F t}l(, iltll, horJty el said art. ic!e 12 of Chapter 130 of the <br /> Genera] Statutc~s of North Carol:ina. <br /> <br /> The purpose of this petition i.s the annexation of 'the lands or <br /> terriLories described below to Kannapo] is Sanitary District so that <br /> said district will include said territories within its boundaries, and <br /> · s.o that water and sewerage facilities 9nd other utilities and services <br /> which said district is authorized to provide may be provided in said <br /> territories for the preservation and promotion of the public health and <br /> sanitary welfare therein. . <br /> <br />~- It is understood and agreed that-the:..petitJ_oner will make installa- <br />..- .~ : '".'tion of the necessary water lines and;skT, we~ ]inos in Lhe territories <br /> hereinafter described in accordance with the ru].es and provisions <br /> t-ho district for construction oF wat0r''and , <br /> . sewer lines in new devo.l.opments. <br />~"'- nc boundarJ, os of tho ~errit:ories..po/ l)o annexed to and <br />' included in the KannapolisSanitary'Di's~rict are a.s follows: <br /> <br /> " FIRST '.PI~CT: BEGINNING at a point.:''e northern side of West <br /> · 7:...... - 22nd Street, a corner of the present.~b0undaries et: the Kannapolis <br /> Sanitary District, said point ].yinq 200 feet north oF tho cent~sr <br /> .... line of West 22nd Street., and runs thence along tho existing <br /> <br /> bounda~ of the Kannapolis Sanit:ary District in a northerly <br /> ~ : direction 4].0 feet, rare or loss, to a point in tho northern <br /> boundary J. Jno of tho prop~rty of-Rowan County Leased Housing <br />t Cat,rotation; thence wJ.b.h the tines of Rowan County Leased IIousing <br /> Corporation, North 14 West 330 Feet, rare or ]ess, t.o a slake on .... <br /> .. Lh(~ eastern side of ,] branch; th(,l~CO as the branch rims <br /> southerly direction along l::he fei]owing courses: 1st. South 1-24 <br /> Eas[ ].0~.80 foot, 2nd. South 3-]8-25 East 100.08 feet:, 3rd. South <br /> ]0-06-25 Eaf;t 101.27 feet, and 4th. South 2-44 East 75 feet, more <br /> or ],F~ to a point in the present boundary line of the Kannapolis <br /> Sanitary District; thence with the present boundary line of the <br /> Kannapolis Sanitary District as it Funs in an easterly direction <br /> parallel to and 200 feet north of tho center line of West 22nd <br /> Street For a distance of 290 <br /> cot more or less, to the point of <br /> BoqJ. nn J. ng. <br /> <br /> SECOND T~CT: BEGINNING at a point in the boundary line of the <br /> Kannapolis Sanitary DJ. strict, said point being the point at which <br /> tho eastern boundary line of the property of Rowan County Leased <br /> llousin(i Corpora t .i on int()rsec[:s 'the present boundary line of the <br /> <br /> the ~entor ]jno or 1,ocu~t ~r(.cL.,'- ""~ and run~ ~hen~e a]ong the oaste~n <br /> ]ine of the Rowan County Leased tlousing Corporation property North <br /> ]0-46-20 East 275 fept, rare or ]ess, tO a stake, corner of Rowan <br /> County Leased Housing Corporation property; thence South 85-32 <br /> 'qest 559.12 feet to an iron pin; thence South ].7-42-10 West 83 <br /> feet, more or less, to a point in the boundary line of the <br /> Kannapolis Sanitary District; thence with the boundary line of <br /> the Kannapolis Sanitary District as it runs in an easterly direc- <br /> tion parallel to and 200 .feet. north, of .the center line of Locust <br /> Street for a distance of 585 feet,-,~re or-less, to. the point of <br /> Beginning. <br />*! Resp~':f u 1 lY' "s ~mitted ' <br /> At test: HOUSING. CORPO~TION <br /> -- Pres,: <br /> <br /> . <br /> <br /> <br />