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453 <br /> <br />Step Two. General County employees not having their grievance appeal <br />satisfactorily resolved at Step One, may ask within ten (10) working <br />days that the written grievance appeal presented in Step One be referred <br />to the county manager, who shall arrange a time to hear the employee <br />or group of employees and their representative and give an answer in <br />writing within ten (10) working days or advise the employee or employees <br />of the conditions which prevent an answer within that time and inform <br />them as to when an answer m~y be expected. There shall be no appeal <br />from this decision by the county manager. <br /> <br />Section 4. Adverse Action/Discrimination Appeal Procedure for General <br /> County Employees <br />Any general county employee or group of employees who is demoted, sus- <br />pended, dismissed, reduced in pay, transferred or laid off or who alleges <br />discrimination may appeal such action according to the procedure <br />established below. The number of days indicated at each level should <br />be considered as the maximum number of days unless provided for otherwise, <br />and every effort should be made to expediate the process. However, when <br />mutually agreed upon, the time limits given below may be extended. <br />Step One. Adverse action/discrimination compliants shall be filed <br />directly with the department head within ten (10) working days of <br />notification of the adverse action or within ten (10) working days of <br />the discrimination action. On receiving the~appeal, the department head <br />shall arrange a time to hear the employee(s) and his representative and <br />give an.answer in writing within ten (10) working days, or advise the <br />employee(s) of the conditions which prevent an answer within that time <br />and inform the employee(~s) as to when an answer may be expected. <br /> <br />Step Two. If the employee(s) is not satisfied with the decision rendered <br />in Step One, that decision may be appealed to the county manager, who <br />shall either arrange a time to hear the appeal and give an answer in <br />writing within ten (10) workingdays or advise the employee(s) of the <br />conditions which prevent an answer within that time and inform the <br />employee(s) as to when an answer may be expected, or shall forward the <br />appeal to the advisory personnel board within five (5) working days of <br />receipt by the county manager. If the appeal is sent to the advisory <br />personnel board, the board shall hold a hearing thereon and within <br />ten (10) working days render a written advisory opinion to the employee <br />and the county manager. The hearing shall be open to the public unless <br />both parties agree that the hearing shall be closed. The county must <br />produce evidence to justify the adverse action charges against the <br />employee(s) or to refute discrimination charges brought by the employee(s) <br />against the county. The employee(s) must be given the right at the hearing <br />to examine all evidence and to cross-examine adverse witnesses. The <br />employee(s) may be represented by a person of his choice. <br /> <br /> The advisory personnel board may hold an executive session for the <br /> purpose of making a decision, and shall forward its advisory opinion to <br /> the employee and to the county manager. Taking this advisory opinion <br /> into consideration, the reasons for the decision and the evidence relied <br /> upon. There shall be no appeal from this determination. <br /> <br /> Section 5. Grievance and Adverse Action Appeal for Competitive Service <br /> Employees <br /> When an employee or group of competitive service employees has a claim <br /> or complaint concerning the condition of their employment with the county, <br /> the following successive steps are to be t~ken. The number of days <br /> indicated at each level should be considered as the maximum number of <br /> dayS unless provided for otherwise and every effort should be made to <br /> expedite the process. However, when mutually agreed upon, the time <br /> limits given below may be extended. <br /> Step One. The employee or group of employees with a grievance shall <br /> present the matter orally or in writing to their immediate supervisor <br /> within thirty (30) days of the time the employee or employees learn of <br /> its occurrence with the objective of resolving the matter informally. <br /> If an exact date cannot be established for the occurence of a grievance <br /> circumstance, the thirty (30) working day limit will be waived but the <br /> employee should file the grievance within a reasonable time period. <br /> The supervisor should and is encouraged to consult with any employee or <br /> officer deemed necessary to reach a correct, impartial equitable <br /> <br /> <br />