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319 <br /> <br /> 3. Method of Financing the Coddle Creek Reservoir. Provided <br />that BOARD transfers all its right, title and interest in and to all <br />real property presently owned by BOARD located within the Coddle <br />Creek Reservoir area as described in plans and specifications prepared <br />by Pierson & Whitman, Engineers, and provides all documentation to <br />COUNTY presently in possession of BOARD with regard to the identity <br />and location of real property required by such reservoir and the design <br />for construction for the dam and related structures therefor, COUNTY <br />agrees as follows: <br /> <br /> (a) To finance the acquisition of all real property <br />required for the Coddle Creek Reservoir and to finance the <br />construction of the necessary dam and other structures related <br />thereto; <br /> <br /> (b) To acquire all such necessary property and to complete <br />construction of such facility within ten (10) years of the date <br />of execution of this Agreement; <br /> <br /> (c) To provide CITY, through BOARD, with a minimum of <br /> percent ( %) of the capacity of raw water impounded <br />by such facility upon a financial basis mutually agreeable to <br />CITY, BOARD and COUNTY. <br /> <br /> 4. Ownership of Coddle Creek Reservoir. CITY, BOARD and COUNTY <br />agree that COUNTY shall own and hold legal title to all real property <br />incorporated in or involved with the Coddle Creek Reservoir. <br /> <br /> 5. Treatment of Raw Water. No provision hereof relates to the <br />treatment of raw water for the Coddle Creek Reservoir or charges therefor <br />by BOARD, utilitizing its existing treatment facilities or otherwise, <br />agreement concerning which shall be the subject of a separate contract <br />between the parties. <br /> <br /> 6. Method of Amendments/Termination of A~reeme~t. This Agreement <br />may be amended or terminated by a majority vote of the governing boards of <br />CITY, BOARD and COUNTY, their successors or assigns. In the event of <br />termination of the Agreement prior to construction of the dam for the <br />reservoir, COUNTY shall reconvey to BOARD all real property previously <br />transferred it by BOARD without charge. In the event of termination of <br />the Agreement after construction of the dam for the reservoir, COUNTY <br />shall retain title to such real property transferred to it by BOARD. <br /> <br /> 0 <br />that: <br /> <br />Warranties. CITY, BOARD and COUNTY hereby warrant and represent <br /> <br /> (a) Execution of this Agreement and full performance <br />of its own obligations hereunder are fully authorized by law; <br /> <br /> (b) Each has complied with all procedures necessary to <br />render its execution of this Agreement and the performance of <br />its obligations hereunder as valid, legal and binding acts of <br />CITY, BOARD and COUNTY, respectively; <br /> <br /> (c) Ail contracts for work to be done in connection with <br />the construction of the Coddle Creek Impoundment will be conducted <br />in accordance with the laws and regulations to which CITY, BOARD <br />and COUNTY are subject. <br /> <br />9. Miscellaneous. CITY, BOARD and COUNTY further say that: <br /> <br /> (a) No failure or delay in exercising any right hereunder <br />on the part of either party shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor <br />shall any single or partiaI exercise by either party of' any right <br />hereunder preclude any other further exercise thereof or the exercise <br />of any other right; <br /> <br /> (b) Ail representations and warranties made herein shall <br />survive the making of any payment or payments pursuant hereto; <br /> <br /> <br />