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543 <br /> <br /> (b) From January 1, 1990 to January 1, 1991, no less than 2 million <br />gallons per day; <br /> <br /> (c) From January 1, 1991 to January 1, 1992, no less than 2-1/2 million <br />gallons, per day; <br /> <br /> (d) From January 1, 1992 to January 1, 1993, no less than 3 million <br />gallons per day; <br /> <br /> (e) From January 1, 1993 to January 1, 1994, no less than 3-1/2 million <br />gallons per day; <br /> <br /> (f) From January 1, 1994 to January 1, 1995, no less than 4 million <br />gallons per day; and <br /> <br /> (g) From January 1, 1995 and thereafter, no less than 4-1/2 million <br />gallons per day. <br /> <br /> 4. Treated Water Rates. From the date of execution of this Agreement <br />through December 31, 1988, CONCORD shall charge CABARRUS for treated water at <br />the rate set forth in the 1988 Water Supply Agreement. Effective January 1, <br />1989, CONCORD shall charge CABARRUS no more than the lowest treated water <br />rate which it charges to any of its customers, including "bulk" customers; <br />PROVIDED THAT the treated water charge to CABARRUS for the Floor Amount shall <br />not exceed 75 cents per 1,000 gallons, which charge may be increased on July <br />1 of any year after 1989 by an amount not to exceed the least of: (a) the <br />prorata cost increase in the expense for the operation and maintenance of <br />Hillgrove, including, but not limited to, the personnel, chemical and related <br />treatment expenses therefor, but specifically excluding any and all overhead <br />or other expense for the capital cost of Hillgrove, or any other portion of <br />CONCORD's water or sewer system, whether direct or indirect, or amortized <br />debt therefor or otherwise computed; (b) a percentage increase based upon the <br />annual increase in the consumer price index as published; or (c) 75% of the <br />lowest rate Concord charges any "bulk" or other customer. <br /> <br />5. Effect of the 1988 Water Supply Agreement. Except as otherwise ratified <br />herein, upon execution by CONCORD and CABARRUS, this Agreement shall cancel <br />and supersede the 1988 Water Supply Agreement in its entirety. <br /> <br /> 6. Residual Water Rights. CONCORD shall not sell or deliver all or any <br />portion of the Floor Amount to any other customer of CONCORD without the <br />prior written approval of CABARRUS (except on an emergency basis and then <br />only for 72 hours or less), which approval shall not be unreasonably <br />withheld; PROVIDED THAT prior to CABARRUS's approval, CONCORD shall provide <br />information to CABARRUS with regard to such delivery of reserved treated <br />water, including, but not limited to, the duration of the proposed contract, <br />the amount of treated water to be sold, and the compensation, if any, to <br />CABARRUS. <br /> <br /> 7. Method of Amendment/Termination of A~reement. This Agreement may be <br />amended or terminated only by a vote of the majority of the members of each <br />of the respective governing boards of CONCORD and CABARRUS. <br /> <br /> 8. Warranties. CONCORD and CABARRUS hereby warrant and represent that: <br /> (a) Execution of this Agreement and full performance of its own <br />obligations hereunder are fully authorized by law; <br /> <br /> (b) Each has complied or will comply with all procedures necessary to <br />render its execution of this Agreement and the performance of its obligations <br />hereunder as valid, legal and binding acts of CONCORD or CABARRUS, <br />respectively; <br /> <br /> (c) Ail contracts for work to be done in connection with this Agreement <br />will be performed in accordance with the laws and regulations to which <br />CONCORD and CABARRUS are subject, expressly including, but not limited to, <br />the public bidding laws of the State of North Carolina. <br /> <br /> <br />