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March 12, 2014 (Special Meeting) Page 1947 <br />5. No Tax Increase Is Required To Fund This Plan <br />In the 3 alternative plans, a tax increase of approximately 6 %, <br />as defined by our Chairman and Staff, is required in 2017 to <br />balance each plan. Moreover, the other 3 plans do not provide <br />any additional funds for maintenance until 3 year from now, at <br />best. <br />6. Rollback $7 Million Of The $15 Million Budget Increase <br />The adopted budget in FY 2C13 was $211 million. This year, our <br />adopted budget is $226 million, an increase of $15 million. if <br />we roll back $7 million of that $15 million increase, we have <br />funded this entire cash /short term financing for schools plan. <br />Proposed Protect List - Short -Term Fina <br />Following Commissioner Oesterreich's presentation, a lengthy discussion <br />ensued. <br />Commissioner Morris expressed concern over the impact of proposed cuts <br />to the budget. <br />Discussion continued. During discussion, the following topics were <br />addressed: Richard Koch, County Attorney, advised the Board is required to <br />place a bond referendum on the ballot since the school systems passed <br />resolutions requesting a bond referendum; Commissioner Oesterreich advised <br />tens of millions of dollars can be saved if funds are used efficiently; Pam <br />Dubois, Deputy County Manager, explained several line items addressed are <br />already being cut out of the upcoming budget; County Manager Mike Downs <br />explained with a five -year plan, only the first year of the plan is set; the <br />five -year plan discussed at the retreat was last year's plan, and upcoming <br />plans will continue to change as department meetings are held; meetings with <br />department heads have not yet begun; staff's budget process typically runs <br />from November to May; etc. <br />Chairman Poole advised a pre - application meeting with the Local <br />Government Commission (LGC) will be held on March 27 She requested Board <br />members prepare to provide direction to staff at the March 17 meeting. <br />Discussion continued. During discussion, Commissioner Oesterreich <br />questioned potential plans regarding funds designated for the construction of <br />Mt. Pleasant Middle School. <br />Closed Session - Personnel Matters <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Measmer, seconded by Vice Chairman Burrage <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to go into closed session to discuss <br />a personnel matters? as authorized by NCGS 143 - 318.11 (a)(6)e Pam Dubois, <br />Deputy County Manager, and Lunde. Covington, Human Resources Director, were <br />invited into the closed session. <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Burrage, seconded by Commissioner Morris <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to come out of closed session. <br />Adj ourn <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Burrage, seconded by Commissioner Morris, <br />and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m. <br />Megan S t, Clerk to the Board <br />9T 9014 I! 3pli P1 llU 91 300 F9 3033 R 30.0 99 1091 Q7 3041 P1 303]. 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Cgek e• ala ll ap. € yra.i <br />'ACt`C O.ISa M.a I3 ail Ilan nap 1190 la 0139 <br />Following Commissioner Oesterreich's presentation, a lengthy discussion <br />ensued. <br />Commissioner Morris expressed concern over the impact of proposed cuts <br />to the budget. <br />Discussion continued. During discussion, the following topics were <br />addressed: Richard Koch, County Attorney, advised the Board is required to <br />place a bond referendum on the ballot since the school systems passed <br />resolutions requesting a bond referendum; Commissioner Oesterreich advised <br />tens of millions of dollars can be saved if funds are used efficiently; Pam <br />Dubois, Deputy County Manager, explained several line items addressed are <br />already being cut out of the upcoming budget; County Manager Mike Downs <br />explained with a five -year plan, only the first year of the plan is set; the <br />five -year plan discussed at the retreat was last year's plan, and upcoming <br />plans will continue to change as department meetings are held; meetings with <br />department heads have not yet begun; staff's budget process typically runs <br />from November to May; etc. <br />Chairman Poole advised a pre - application meeting with the Local <br />Government Commission (LGC) will be held on March 27 She requested Board <br />members prepare to provide direction to staff at the March 17 meeting. <br />Discussion continued. During discussion, Commissioner Oesterreich <br />questioned potential plans regarding funds designated for the construction of <br />Mt. Pleasant Middle School. <br />Closed Session - Personnel Matters <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Measmer, seconded by Vice Chairman Burrage <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to go into closed session to discuss <br />a personnel matters? as authorized by NCGS 143 - 318.11 (a)(6)e Pam Dubois, <br />Deputy County Manager, and Lunde. Covington, Human Resources Director, were <br />invited into the closed session. <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Burrage, seconded by Commissioner Morris <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to come out of closed session. <br />Adj ourn <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Burrage, seconded by Commissioner Morris, <br />and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m. <br />Megan S t, Clerk to the Board <br />